Friday, June 30, 2006




  1. That is frightening.

    Hey Reliapundit, remember a few months back Pinch Sulzberger gave a speech at a get together of libers, and he admitted that he was trying to cause problems for the Bush Administration?

    He said something about how they (the media elites like him) weren't supposed to have left this generation with a war.

    Can you help me with a link to that?

    I can't find it.


  3. excerpt from SULZBERGER's speech:

    "I’ll start with an apology.

    When I graduated from college in 1974, my fellow students and I had just ended the war in Vietnam and ousted President Nixon. Okay, that’s not quite true. Yes, the war did end and yes, Nixon did resign in disgrace – but maybe there were larger forces at play.

    Either way, we entered the real world committed to making it a better, safer, cleaner, more equal place. We were determined not to repeat the mistakes of our predecessors. We had seen the horrors and futility of war and smelled the stench of corruption in government.

    Our children, we vowed, would never know that.

    So, well, sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

    You weren’t supposed to be graduating into an America fighting a misbegotten war in a foreign land. "

    then he compares the graduates - the LITTLE PEOPLE WHO MAKE LITTLE DECISIONS - to the elites at the NYTIKMES who make real big IMPOIRTANT decisions:

    "So I have a plea and I have a piece of advice. The advice is to focus on the small decisions, because they add up very quickly. And I don’t mean what job you take or what town you live in. Those will change as you change. I mean decisions like whether to pick up that overturned trash can or whether to stop for that stranded motorist. Those are the decisions that can change our world just as surely as a butterfly can create a hurricane.

    Yes, it’s important that those of us at The New York Times have the courage of our own convictions and defend the rights of our journalists to protect their sources or, after much debate and discussion, publish the news that our government is bypassing it’s own legal systems to tap into phone calls made to and from the United States.

    But those big decisions rest on a stable foundation which has been built by thousands of small decisions – from the way we protect our reporters and photographers in war-torn areas such as Iraq (and even then lose too many) to how we’ve shattered the glass ceiling that for too long stopped women from moving into the highest levels of leadership."
