Monday, June 05, 2006


There is no friggin civil war in Iraq. There is no friggin sectarian war, either. The killings and reprisals are not sectarian. It is a war between civilization and brutal barbaric jihadoterrorists.

FACT: The attacks are by carried out by - and instigated by - al Qaeda against Shias, and NOT merely Sunnis on Shias.

FACT: The Kurds are MOSTLY Sunni, and they are NOT attacking Shias.

FACT: Zarqawi has OPENLY called for Sunnis to kill Shias, but not a single Sunni cleric or Sunni politician has done the same. Not a single Sunni politician has left the Iraqi government or civil service to support Zarqawi or al Qaeda. The Iraqi nation has not split, and the Iraqi government has NOT collapsed due to sectarian differences; in fact, the Kurds and the Shias - who have the ability to retaliate and to commit genocide against the Sunnis any time they want to - have been extraordinarily patient, and have worked tirelessly for national unity despite the constant attacks BY AL QAEDA.

If some KKK and Aryan Church radicals carried out a series of attacks - (burning dozens of black churches and murdering dozens and dozens of blacks in, let's say... Indiana) - it would not be right to call it a race war or a religious war - even though that's EXACTLY how the KKK and Aryan Church would want it portayed. It would properly be called a series of racist attacks by a couple of dangerously radical and fanatically extreme fringes groups bent on igniting civil war.

Well, that what's happening in Iraq: a fringe group - al Qaeda in Iraq - is carrying out extraordinarily brutal and barbaric attacks on Shias in an attempt to foment a civil war and destroy the constitutional democratic republic of Iraq and take over a chunk of it and turn it into a Taliban-like base from which to carry out global jihad.
NOTHING could more clearly PROVE that the Iraq War is the most important front in the GWOT.

Nothing could more clearly argue the case for STAYING AND HELPING THE IRAQIS DEFEAT THE ENEMY.

Now is the time to ramp up our defense of the Iraqi democracy, not talk of withdrawal.

Withdrawal is what the enemy wants. And the US Left, the doves. The Dems.

But maybe I'm being REDUNDANT: the Left and the Jihadoterrorsts are "Birds of a Feather": they are both enemies of liberty, and democracy. And both want the USA defeated.

The Left is carrying the water for Zarqawi, preaching his version of events and supporting his goals.

Which is why, to make Jihadoterrorism history we have to first make the Left history.

AND REMEMBER THIS: THIS STORY IN THE NYTIMES PROVES THAT SADDAM WAS A TERRORIST. He murdered more Iraqis on a daily basis than have been killed on average each day since liberation.


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Asstooter won't admit what the MSM documents

    1. the war is LOST and Peter Pace
    is doing damage control.

    2. Shia militas are committing widespread murders. Whether or
    not their atrocities equal Sunni jihadists' in scale is not the point. The fact that they also hate America and will do Iran's bidding is.

    3. Ethnic cleansing -involving the
    murder and removal of a hundred thousand or more Sunnis and Shias
    from their native homes ,neighborhoods and cities is ongoing. And Bush's vow in 2003 to
    dismantle all private militas is FAILED AND KAPUT.

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Furthermore, in one of my first posts to you, I said flatly,the new government controls little but the Green Zone. You said flatly it controlled plenty more. Today, above,we see what happened in the shadow of the Green Zone. Iraq is anarchy and anarchy is Iraq.
    And the occupation is as badly botched as it is possible to be.
    Bush is not only corrupt,but blunderingly so.

  3. 1 - the war was won: iraq us a constitutional democratic republic under which the formerly repressed and genocidally murdered MAJORITY now has control - albeit in a country beset by JIHADOTERRORISM.

    2 - shia are retaliating. the IRAQI govt muist out an end to this, and the JIHADOTERROR which instigatres it (and which is deliberately planned in order to instigate it).

    under saddam, MORE shias and kurds were murderd, and there was NO RETALIATION, so for a MAJORITY of iraqis thnsg are VASTLY BETTER. REPEAT: the average daily death rate of iraqis the ast three years IS LOWER THAN THE DAILY RATE UNDER SADDAM. fact. and ALL the murdered under saddam were shia and kurds. now half of those murdered are sunni. \it's a bad situation but one IRAQIS WILL EVENTUALLY CONTROL IF WE DO NOT ABANDON THEM - as you and other leftie/dobe dems would do. as you did to South Vietnam. and you will do it to afghanistan to if you get the chance.

    3 - the resettlement numbers you cite - hundrds of thousands - is BOGUS and has been thoroughly debunked.

    LASTLKY: i know people serving in ioraq and they see the ENTIRE country routinely and they say that the violence is concentrated in baghdad and in the sunni ARAB areas and in the shia areas where zarqawi is trying to start a sectarian war.

    he is failing.

    and as long as doves/appeasers/defeatists like you are kept out of power HERE, the enemy will nhot succeed.

    thanks for reading and commenting.

  4. General Barry McCaffery went to Iraq in April 2006, and his observations make for an interesting read. You can download the file at the end of this post. A brief summary:

    1. The morale, fighting effectiveness, and confidence of U.S. combat forces continue to be simply awe-inspiring. In every sensing session and interaction - I probed for weakness and found courage, belief in the mission, enormous confidence in their sergeants and company grade officers, an understanding of the larger mission, a commitment to creating an effective Iraqi Army and Police, unabashed patriotism, and a sense of humor.

    2. The Iraqi Army is real, growing, and willing to fight. They now have lead action of a huge and rapidly expanding area and population. The battalion level formations are in many cases excellent - most are adequate.

    3. The Iraqi police are beginning to show marked improvement in capability since MG Joe Peterson took over the program. The National Police Commando Battalions are very capable - a few are simply superb and on par with the best U.S. SWAT units in terms of equipment, courage, and training. Their intelligence collection capability is better than ours in direct HUMINT.

    Read it all:

    Download AAR___General_McCaffrey_s_Visit_to_Iraq__April_2006_USMA_.pdf

    For more news from Iraq, see my weekly round-up of good news stories at National Review Online.

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    The government you say is legitimate just announced that 180,000 Iraqis have been displaced by ethnic cleansing. Bunk?
    Bwahahahah!And that's mid-level civil war.

    Basra and southern Iraq is now in a
    high level of unrest. Anbar Province in the west has large swaths controlled by Sunni jihadists,including several key cities.

    The Kurds are biding their time
    but several northern cities are
    going to explode over oil control and Kurd autonomy before the dust settles.

    Give the US as much time in Iraq as
    Saddam had and it will easily outdistance Hussein in innocents
    lost. Thank God,with a 30% approval rating ,the populace will force the Dems to ease out after the GOP goes down in an avalanche,
    so you'll never know.

    Unless Bush tries an October
    surprise against Iran;then you can enjoy paying six bucks for gas,as the Iranians warned yesterday!

  6. Anonymous7:00 PM

    The Iraq government rejects US exoneration of an atrocity you were quick to sweep under the rug also. McCafferty? He also said the insurgency could easily stay strong another 5 years. The US cannot.

  7. the us doesn't have to stay in our current numbers until zarqawi and al qaeda are defeated.

    no one days they do.

    we will satnd down as they stand up.

    the iraqis will win this thing - if we support them.

    and the world will be be6tter of. it sends a powerful message to binladen: "your strategy wont work."

    BTW: rumsfeld has ALWAYS maintained that an "insuregency" can last 12 years; they do on average.

  8. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Biden-who is far too hawkish for me-is nonetheless correct when he is quoted here saying "there is no unity government in Iraq"...only a collection of
    death squad militias.

  9. biden is wrong. wrong on the facts. wrong literally and wroing figuratively.
    there is a unity government.

    wouyold you rather saddam was in power?
    or zarqawi?

    would you rather kofi anan and his corrupot cronies ruuled iraq? like they've done in kosovo or east timor or africa!?

    iraqis have a consitutional government wich operates by consent of the governed.

    is that bad!?

    sure: there are retaliatory death squads. the iraqi govt will have to deal with them.

    we can counterattack al qaeda and train them to and train them to reign in their militias.

    as the regulars get better, the militias will stand down - because they will feel like the enemy is being dealt with.

    have some patience.

    be resolute.

    binladen wants us to leave so he can talinaize iraq.

    if we let him, then EVERY other nation of the world becomes a bigger target.

    appeasement NEVER wolrked, never averted a war.

    it only encourgaes the enemy and gives them time to get stronger.

  10. Anonymous7:09 AM

    nothing a u235 enema couldn't cure!

  11. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Throwing the spectre of Saddam out convinces no one that anarchy does not exist and that Biden is not right.

    The US is no better than someone who comes from the opposite side of the globe to intervene in a domestic marital dispute, (as cops realize this is among the most dangerous of calls)..finds it cannot ameliorate the dispute, then helps trash the house of the feuding family.(ask Haditha

    The US occupation has failed and it must exit as Murtha says.

  12. well you have admitted that you are a defeatists.

    you say that in spite of
    deposing a genocidal tyrant who murdered 500,000 of his own citiznes and sent another million to die in a war agauinst iran and who spported intl terror

    and in spite of replacing him with a constitutional
    with full representation of ALL minorities

    and in sopiute of a booming economy and inspite of the fact that more than one million iraqis have returned to iraq since 2004

    thyat wqe have failed.

    you say this becasue there is still jihadoterrorist violence there.

    and you recommend that we retreat from it instead of dfeating it in a fight alongside our new-found allies.

    you and murtha sound like kerry in 1971 ceding to the north vietnamese. and like cindy sheehan.

    you can stand with them if you want.

    as for haditha: neiohter you or i really knwo what happened there, but even if it's the worst they say, it is a small SMALL incident comapred to th awesome good we have done in iraq. and afghanistan.

    50 MILLION people liberated from the woprst repression in the entire world.

    are you heartless and gutless dupe who thinks freedon is free?! or are you a racist who thinks arabs and muslims canl;t ever have deomcracy!!>!?

    or are you just soemone who thinks democracy is a sham!?

    whatever else you are, you are certainly a dupe.

    and biden!? plagiuarist. liar. proven. a moral worm. scum. a mental midget. with bad hair implants, bad teeth implants and abad face lift. a phony.

    murtha!? a dove. a weak-kneed cut&run surrendering liar.

    your analogy os part right: the polcie HAVE A DTY to interven and rescur the children. ESPECIALLY if there's danger. the polcie donl;t cut andf run . real cops dopn;t shirk their duty out of fear.

    you salnder the cops. you slander the us military.
    you slander the usa.

    you have no shame.

    thanks for commenting: you expose the stupidity and immorality of the left.
