Tuesday, June 13, 2006


People in European and Muslim countries see US policy in Iraq as a bigger threat to world peace than Iran's nuclear programme, a survey has shown.

The survey by the Pew Research Group also found support for US President George W Bush and his "war on terror" had dropped dramatically worldwide.
NO WONDER THEY THINK ALIKE: People in the "EUSSR" - like people in Muslim nations - have a Leftist MSM which makes the Left-wing dominated MSM in the USA seem unbiased, (SEE BAWER). This is more evidence of the convergence of the EU and Arabia... IOW: EURABIA.


  1. Of course none of these polls take into account a very sad fact that most people are stupid and irrational.

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Eurabia? Sounds like the antidote to Israelamerica ,the nation created by "THE LOBBY" which Mearsheimer and Walt's grand thesis depicts.

  3. used my pooper scooper.

  4. sparty baby! welcome back! well i guess all the trolls are out tonight! must be a full moon !

    BTW: the EUSSR thing is an old thing, short hand for their entrenched socialism and corrutp unelected elite.

    if you want to know the roots of the EU, then go to THE BRUSSELS JOURNAL - there's a link on my sidebar - and check out the book by about the HISTORY OF THE EU - who founded it and why. it'll open your eyes.

    iraq is not going as badly as the msm has duoped you into feeling.
    ditto the economy which is booming.

    wake up!

    btw: do you share your fwellow moonabts in their anti-semitism: is that why you defend them?
    one denied that the eu is in line to become EURABIA and called the USA Israelamerica.

    which rpioved the person who posted is a piece of anti-semitic shit.'

    how bout you?

    care to criticize him and sheehan and moore and the other loons?

  5. Anonymous5:20 PM

    the worst thing Europe could do to solve their admitted Moslem problem would be to give US carte blanche over its Mideast policy.
    Spain and Italy chose wisely.
    The US is incapable of putting America rather than Israel first. Ask Buchanan.

  6. Anonymous6:02 PM

    to anon 520 pm: yeah: blame the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZE!

  7. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Oh I know they're socialist to the point it's rediculus but to compare them to the USSR is a little extream.

    I mean The USSR allowed absolutly no freedom of the job markets, you were assigned a job, and if you said otherwise you were sent to siberia.

    as far as I know nothing like that has happened in the EU.

    I agree with you the way their economy works is shit. In france a person can go to work, get drunk and slack off and not get fired due to the socialist conditions.

    and no, Im not an anti-semetic, I support Isreal, though some of the things MOSSAD has done in the past has been questionable. (I served as an Intellegence agent with the Army for 5 years)

    Still they're alot better than the KGB I suppose.

    and yes I do agree with you sheehan is a media whore and a loon, any one can tell you that. just watch the Daily show with jon Stewart, you'll get some good laughs out of it.

    And Agian I never Said Iraq was going horribly and that crap. Remember I served in the army and still have some buddies over there. It's much mor accurate news than any network, who all work for $$ and that includes Fox News.

    please don't put words in my mouth, it drives me crazy when people see a marginal hint of leftism in me and think Im in line with people like Kerry and Sheehan.
