Friday, June 02, 2006


The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq says in an audiotape posted on the Web Friday that Shiite militias are killing and raping the country's Sunni Arabs and urged Sunnis to confront them.
The tape was a four-hour sermon by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi against Shiites, denouncing their top cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani as an "atheist" and saying the community had collaborated with invaders throughout Iraq's history."Oh Sunni people, wake up, pay attention and prepare to confront the poisons of the Shiite snakes who are afflicting you with all agonies since the invasion of Iraq until our day. Forget about those advocating the end of sectariansim and calling for national unity," al-Zarqawi said.
The head of the Iraqi branch of Al-Qaeda, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, called Thursday for the disarmament of the Lebanese Shiite fundamentalist movement Hezbollah, according to an audio message posted on the Internet. Zarqawi accused Hezbollah of serving as a "shield protecting the Zionist enemy (Israel) against the strikes of the mujahedeen in Lebanon," in an apparent reference to Sunni Arab militants loyal to the Al-Qaeda network.

"Why should Hezbollah be exempt from the... Taef accords" which brought an end to fighting in Lebanon's 15-year civil war, a voice purporting to be Iraq's most wanted man asked in the lengthy audio message whose authenticity could not be verified. "Hezbollah is an independent state inside Lebanon... It puts forth lying slogans about Palestinian liberation when in fact it serves as a security wall (for Israel) and prevents Sunnis from crossing its borders."
Zarqawi is a paranoid schizophrenic serial killer, and his creed is evil and his followers vermin. Zarqawi has deliberately murdered more Muslims in Iraq and Jordan in the last three years than the IDF has killed in the last ten, and Zarqawi has killed more Iraqis than anyone EXCEPT Saddam.

The Muslims of the world should be staging massive protests against Zarqawi and Al Qaeda, and not cartoons. The fact that MOST Muslim leaders remain silent in the face of Zarqawi's genocidal rants (and Binladen's and Zawahiri's and Ahmadinejad's) proves they are largely a bunch of morally bankrupt vermin themselves.

BOTTOM-LINE: Islamofascist leaders are the ONLY people who openly call for genocide, and Muslims and Leftists are the only people in the world who ignore it - and even make it HARDER for us to defeat these racist, misogynist, genocidal, child-abusing terrorists.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Well said. This is not ambiguous. How long can it be before those who are conciously ignoring all this will be forced by events into paying attention?

    At what point in the future must they obviously support a fight against it? Is it possible that the left will "support" a fight by withholding criticism but act as the instant replay umpire? The "conscience" of the War on Terror?

  2. Anonymous3:05 AM

    you are right-

    but as long as they want to murder eachother its ok by me!
