Sunday, May 21, 2006


After decades of denial, European countries are starting to recognize their security also would be strengthened by a missile defense. West European governments have spent years denigrating America's missile defense plans as unnecessary "star wars." But now, thanks to Iran's drive for nuclear weapons and longer-range missiles, and the support of NATO's new East European members, NATO finally is stepping up to the plate.

On May 10, Marshall Billingslea, NATO assistant secretary general, presented the results of a four-year study of the missile threat to Europe and how to defend against it. While the report is classified, Mr. Billingslea said it found a missile defense of Europe technically and financially feasible. Now, he said, it is up to NATO nations to decide what to do. Recommendations are expected by next year.
HAT TIP Prairie Pundit - who adds:
When will the Euros and the Democrats admit that they were wrong about missile defense and that Bush and Reagan were right? Voters should be reminded this fall of the words of those who opposed missile defense.
Withdrawing from the ABM Treaty --- which was NOT "ABROGATION" (which was how Leftists like the NYTIMES portrayed it at the time); withdrawal had ALWAYS been part of the terms of the treaty --- was one of the BEST things GWBush did.

It made us safer; it did NOT destabilize the world or increase the arms race - as the Left claimed it would. Not surprising: the Left has been WRONG about EVERYTHING!

A world in which North Korea, Iran and Paksitan have or may-have nuclear missiles, is a world that NEEDS missile defense.

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