Saturday, May 20, 2006




  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    You've got to be kidding. The government controls nothing outside the Green Zone. It is ridden with private militias. It is pro-Iranian. It is anti-Israel and anti-American. It has put the women back in the veil,even minority Christian women. You're in denial.

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    actual situation on ground...and strata-sphere says there is no war,in spite of fact reinforcements have been sent to Ramadi!

    anyway, ongoing ethmic cleansing
    isn't peace...or victory.

  3. yo kuedu chump:

    the govt controls more than the green zone.

    the VAST majority of iraqis are better off now in EVERY way.

    as in all the shias, all the kurds and all the turkmens, and most of the sunnis.

    you are wrong on the facts.

  4. human rights minister: Wijdan Mikaeil, a woman and a Christian

  5. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Tariq Aziz ,a Christian under
    Saddam Hussein. One minister
    proves nothing.

    Guess you don't check Iraqi bloggers. The most pro-American
    one of them all has been
    IRAQ THE MODEL. It was so pro-American from the outset,the Left accused it of being funded by the US government or Bush circles.
    It was also the most
    optimistic. It held fort as long as it could,but when widescale ethnic cleansing broke out, it could do so no longer.This was a seperate phenomenon from the intractable insurgency. Your readers are invited to go to Iraq The Model,and a consensus of other Iraqi bloggers. They will find a bleak picture being painted,even by those formerly most enthusiastic about the invasion.

  6. i read ITM all the time, you pompus ass.

    look on my blogroll - you moron.

    itm gives decidely BAGHDADIAN view.

    sunnis in Baghdad and in the sunni triablge are having the worst go of it so far - and yet it i still MUCH better than under saddam - and improving all the time.

    the kurdish and shia areas are much better.

    things are tough but free. natural.
    the first few years after the fall of the USSR were tougher than things in russia are now. natural.

    but tyrnny is GONE from iraq. as is genocide perped by the state.

    freedom is on the march. freedom of religion. freedom of the press. of the blogs, even.

    that ypou denigrate freedom is idiotic.

    and to compare tariq aziz (who changed his name and cowardly did all his batthist masters ordered, who apologized for saddam's genocidea!) to compare him to a WOMAN minister in the FIRST democraticaklly elected constitutional democracy ion the middle east is asinine.

    i think that iraqis deserve freedom and democracy and their universal humnan rights as much as me and EVEN AS MUCH AS YOU.

    the iraqis are my brothers and sisters.

    just as the blacks in the southern USA were assited by northern whites in their battle for human rights in the 1960s - northereners seeking to "IMPOSE" their interpretations of the constitution - so too are the iraqis, and the lebanese the afghans being helped by the USA.

    or don;pt you think they desreve their inalienable human rights!?


  7. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The kurd areas are not quiet,they are busy moving out minorities and Turkey is massing troops near the border in alarm.

    Baghdad happens to be THE pivotal area of Iraq around which all hinges. Which is why the insurgency has thrown most of its
    action there,rather successfully.

    Baghad averages but a few hours of power a day and gasoline is much less available than under Saddam. outlines 4 wars ongoing with no end in sight in Iraq in todays May 21 posting. I suggest you read it.

    You have no idea what the Christian woman's policies are.


    Finally, get some humility, AB.
    You predicted about a year ago
    Syria's Assad was cowering before America and would fall.

    Just the opposite, Assad has
    warned Bush real pressure on Syria
    will result in a worse anti-American regieme than his. And Bush has backed off.

    Lastly, you fret about Hillary and so do I. Polls show Iraq is the issue which has brought Bush into most disprepute among voters, opening the door for Hill.
    Your optimism is not shared by the
    average voter-and it should not be.

  8. your comments are in quotation marks. followed by my reply.


    no. this is gobbeldy-gook.

    "Baghdad happens to be THE pivotal area of Iraq around which all hinges"

    nonsense. 95% of the population lives outside of baghad. baghdad has no oil.
    it is NOT the hinge.

    fewer iraqis are dying each say now than under saddam's rule - which was real tyranny - not "metaphorical tyranny."

    under saddam, only kurds and shias died. now, fewer iraqis die and halfd of them are sunnis. this is actually a HUGE imporvement for the kurds and shias. most of the sunnis dying are jihadomaniacs and saddamists. good riddance.

    "Baghad averages but a few hours of power a day and gasoline is much less available than under Saddam."

    did you ever stop to think how many MORE air consitioners and phones and washing machines and car and cellphones and faxes and tv-radar dishes etc are in baghdad now versus when saddam was in power - you jerk!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    power demands are higher becasue they are freer and wealthier now than under saddam.

    power generation takles longer to catch up to demand. simple. but things are improving. and will imporve more rapidly each month.

    "Bush has backed off. [ of syria/ assad].

    NONSEMSE. the UNSC just voted another unanimous resolution demanding syria demarcate a border with lebanon and get out. the4 noose is tigheninbg - YES: slower than i predicted. but assd will be gone. FACT: duuring BJ CLINTON'S 8 years he did bupkus against syria. biush got assad to withdraw from lebanon.

    more good things will happen on things front.

  9. juan cole is a lying iditoic leftist anti-semitic/anti-american scum-sucking manbearpig.

    anyone who likes what juan cole says is a dupe or a moron. or an anti-semitic/anti-american manbearpig.

  10. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Juan Cole is the most respected Iraq blogger on the Internet.Also
    one of the most invited experts
    in the media when Iraq is discussed. You are a nobody who idiotically believes the Kurdish area is quiet during ethnic cleansing and the South is quiet when the Brits are getting whacked.

    By the way, the Kurds don't even want to be Iraqis.

    The Shias are anti-American and
    have reason not to trust us since
    Bush Sr. abandoned them in the
    PG war. If the Sunni insurgency
    was instantly squashed it still would not be a victory for America,as the Shias will be pro-Iranian and not recognize Israel.

    The US has LOST in Iraq,period.

    Saddam commmitted most of his atrocities as a US ally-even one of "conservative" administrations.
    What a jerk you are,but one bound to witness political defeat in Iraq
    and in the Mideast unless US changes course.

  11. saddm wan never a us ally. flew migs and ysed ak47's. he was ALWAYS a client of the ussr.

    cole is a loiar and a fool.

    yuou are a jerk

  12. Hatchet man or scholar?

    By Joel Mowbray
    May 22, 2006

    After clearing a significant procedural hurdle earlier this month, University of Michigan professor Juan Cole, who is better known as an Internet blogger, could soon be offered a full tenured position at Yale.
    With a resume thin on recent scholarship and a long track record of highly inflammatory and often inaccurate statements, Mr. Cole is widely considered a surprise pick to serve at one of America's most storied institutions. Even within the Yale campus, the university's impending move is controversial.
    Earlier this month, the history department voted on allowing Mr. Cole to teach classes under its auspices. He received just 13 of the 23 votes cast, which included three abstentions. Mr. Cole's detractors weren't just opposing him on ideological grounds. As one Yale professor notes, "He hasn't written a book of original scholarship since 1998, and while he's produced a lot on his web site, blogs lack fundamental cornerstones of academic research, such as footnotes, sources, and critical review." (Mr. Cole could not be reached for comment.)
    Yale officials reportedly aren't reviewing, but for what other reason than his blog would he offered such a posh perch given his relative paucity of recent scholarly writing? Mr. Cole has written considerably little in academic publications since launching his blog in early 2002, but his one-man operation has attracted hordes of attention.
    If Yale executives were to read Mr. Cole's blog with any kind of critical eye, however, they would almost certainly reconsider their likely offer. His writings are marked by an endless cavalcade of errors. Flagrant, jaw-dropping errors. He regularly makes bold claims backed by precious little substantiation. And hell hath no fury like a Juan Cole scorned; ad hominem is his weapon of first resort.
    To note just a few of his doozies -- all within his supposed specialty of "contemporary Middle Eastern history" -- Mr. Cole claimed:
    "Saddam Hussein... did not pay suicide bombers to blow themselves up." (No, he paid the families after the deed was done.)
    "Chemical weapons are not weapons of mass destruction." (He even cited Saddam's gassing of the Kurds in 1988 to support his bizarre assertion.)
    "[A]ccording to the September 11 Commission report, al-Qaeda conceived 9/11 in some large part as a punishment on the US for supporting Ariel Sharon's iron fist policies toward the Palestinians... and again in response to the Israeli attack on the Jenin refugee camp."
    The flaws in the last point are devastatingly obvious. As even passive observers of the attacks know, September 11 was "conceived" many years prior -- long before Ariel Sharon was even elected Prime Minister in early 2001. And the "Israeli attack on the Jenin refugee camp" didn't even occur until some months after September 11.

  13. Anonymous7:24 PM,0,6920671.story?coll=la-home-headlines

    you say it's "we win"...
    Iraqis groan "ho hum", we've heard that before....

  14. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Cole quotes MILITARY as agreeing with him on chemical weapons NOT being WMDs on his blog today

    Israel is in defiance of international law in bulldozing families of suicide bombers'
    homes. Not that it matters to you.
    Often using American made equipment.

    Osama claimed he got the idea for the WTC target from observing
    Israel's bombarding the Beirut

  15. to the last two leftie loons: BWAHAHAHAHA!

    stop regurgitating the lies the left TAUGHT you.

    wake up and smell reality.

    the VATS majority of iraqis are better off: the kurds and shias and the tuekmen, for example - who MERELY comprise 90% of the iraqis population!


