Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Has the FED RESERVE become a tool of liberal partisan hacks seeking to hurt Bush and the GOP!?

I say this because today's STEEP DECLINE in the DJIA and the NYSE - and other stock indices - occurred in large measure because a Clinton appointee said some very worrying things about inflation on CNBC today. NYTIMES:
Michael Moskow, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, that fanned fears of inflation on Wall Street. In an interview with CNBC, Mr. Moskow expressed concern that inflation was running high, raising fears that the central bank could raise interest rates when it meets late next month.
Fed Reserve leaders - like the Secretary of Treasury and the POTUS - are usually more oblique in their comments and rarely say things which could rattle the markets. But this Clinton appointee seems to be breaking the mold - and right as the mid-terms season is beginning to warm up, no less.

Is he doing this to drive the markets down, and to hurt confidence in the economy - as the MSM has been doing for the last 5 years!? IS HE DOING THIS TO HELP THE DEMS?!

I think so.

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