Saturday, April 01, 2006


After the The Paris Intifada, the cowardly French capitulated to the Muslim banlieue gangs - gangs made up of mostly unassimliated immigrant thugs. Now, THE FRENCH HAVE NOW PROVEN THAT THEY ARE SUCH DAMN COWARDS, THEY'LL EVEN SURRENDER TO THEMSELVES:
Contentious French labor law to be modified -
French President Jacques Chirac on Friday night said the government's highly contested new youth labor law, known as CPE, would be applied despite mounting opposition it. Originally, the law aimed to make it easier for employers to hire people under 26 by allowing them to dimiss them at the end of a two-year period without cause. In the face of recent strikes that have paralyzed universities and transport networks, Chirac, however, made significant concessions. In one of the most highly anticipated televised addresses of his presidency, he said he would cut the trial period during which employees could be summarily dismissed from two years to one. He also said employers would have to give a reason for the lay off.
Chirac and Villepin have TOTALLY CAVED IN TO THE SOCIALIST RIOTERS! What a JOKE! If Sarkozy isn't elected - or if he is, but DOESN'T SUCCEED in Angloi-zing France - the republique will, in only a decade or so, certainly resemble Turkey and Egypt more than Luxembourg or Switzerland: it will continue to have very high unemployment and be mostly MUSLIM.

The Eiffel Tower will become a muezzin serving the Mosque de Notre Dame!

1 comment:

  1. Great line about the French being so cowardly they even surrender to themselves.

