Saturday, April 01, 2006


The Pentagon plans to explode a 700-ton conventional bomb on June 2 at the Nevada atomic test site as part of a military program to develop weapons for destroying underground enemy bunkers.

The blast will be one of the largest bomb tests since the end of the Cold War. ... Defense Intelligence Agency and Central Intelligence Agency officials have testified that potential adversaries such as North Korea and Iran increasingly burrow their secret weapons and command centers into well-protected underground bunkers.

The June explosion "represents to us the largest single explosive that we could imagine doing conventionally to solve that problem" of destroying underground bunkers, Tegnelia said.
If they don't get the message now, we will send it again - next time via AIR MAIL!


  1. Everyone's buzzing out here over the news reports. Naturally, our Congressional delegates are acting all shocked and surprised ("the pollution!") even though they've known for about a year. You're absolutely right...this is a "love letter" to the Mullahs. I personally can't wait.

  2. 700 tons doesn't seem big to me, but i guess it's all our jets can carry.

    is it guided too? or will we just carpet bomb the general area of the undergorunbd sites?

    my guess would be that we already have gps on every site, and also teams of advance-men who will target sites with lasers durting the short campaign.

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Uh...Guys, the heaviest airlifter we have (C5A) carries 100 tons and the AN124 carries 160 (if you are brave enough to try). How the heck are we going to deliver a 700 ton explosive device (unless we are speaking about some compound that has that equivalent force of TNT but is much more compact). Anyone care to elucidate?


  4. I'm just worried that the message will be too subtle for that wild man in Iran!

  5. Can any of our missiles carry a 700 ton payload?

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    no problem - just hide it up the ass of some big asshole...

  7. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Some of you clearly are not playing with a full deck, are a few bricks short of a full load.

    This test is to develope a tactical nuke to bust a bunker, and there is NO us asset that can carry such a payload, no missile, no aircraft can drop such a conventional explosive payload, you really need to to a grip. Besides, the Iranians have only enriched up to 3 plus percent materials, simply put they haven't got the "right stuff" yet. It will be a few years before they do, and we can let the Israeli's drop the payload on them, after all where did Israel get their weapons grade materials in the first place?

  8. anon 315:

    u are wrong about several things:
    1) he tactical bunker-busting nuke hs been DEFUNDED.
    2) a 700 ton bomb can be smuggled into iran and built where needed - many undergrund sites are in residential areas.
    3)the israel comment reveal anti-semitism. not surprising: the left/anti-bush crowd is the home of anti-semitism.
    4) we muist rpemtp B4 iran has enough fuel; we must'nt act too late.

    bye you jerk.

  9. Anonymous11:38 PM

    This is not ever intended to be an actual "Bomb" in the sense it is deployed against an enemy. The bomb in this case is just that much nitrate-fuel oil explosive burried in a 36 foot hole in the desert. The purpose is to test the shock wave of the blast - a 593 tons of TNT equivalent. I agree that this is some form of mullah buster related test. It is also true that the leftwing whacks in congress have refused to fund the nuke bunker buster. But they can't stop this test to measure what is needed to reach the rats nests that they have built. By the way if scramble brains Ahmedinejad has 3% enriched material, it IS too late. See 3% will work for dirty bombs, now all they need are some suicidal dirt bags to deliver them - OOPs they got that covered as well.
