Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I don't think so. The Iranian tyrants are even more bloodthirsty and ruthless than the Chi-coms, and they will mercilessly put down any uprising. The Iranians know this, which is why we haven't seen any major rebellions to date (none on even nearly the same scale of - or with the bravado of - Tiananmen). This is true even though VERY deep animosity is felt by MOST Iranians toward their mullah tyrants.

Which is why I think it's gonna take a massive preemptive military strike to prevent the jihadofascist totalitarians of Iran from getting nukes. Spontaneous regime change doesn't have much of a chance.

BY THE WAY: The fact that the USA hasn't isolated the Islamic nation of Pakistan - which is after all, merely a partially democratic nation - for its nukes proves that our policies are NOT racist or IRRATIONALLY islamophobic.

The again, IF Musharraf were to be overthrown by jihadofascists, I think we'd INSTANTANEOUSLY "neutralize" their nukes.

BOTTOM LINE: I don't think a sanctions regime against Iran can actually prevent them from getting nukes, or "contain" them. And I don't think that it will lead to a democratic rebellion. To accomplish what we must, we must take bolder actions on both fronts.


  1. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Student rebelled twice (in 1999 and 2004) but they were crushed by the regime with even more cruelty than the chineese in Tiananmen.

    Many cities have been in insurgency lately, sometimes 6 to 7 at a time, especially in the east of the country (where kurds, azeris and arabs reside). Last year, the insurgency even extended to the province of Ilam, to a persian city...

    Their IRCG troops started acting as Einsatzgruppen, quelling resisters using snipers...personnalized service.

  2. that's exaclty why we gotta get involved with our military - as we did in the bosnian war and kosovo.

    and we gotta do it before they get nukes.

    sometimes i think buish is stalling just to let the missiles makers haver enough time to make enouhg missiles.

    it will take 1000 to neutralize iran's nuke site and air force (stripos and jets) and navy and gasoline refineries.

    and it will take 10,000 to remove kim jong il.

    and then, it wil take a lot of computer power to simulate the targeting/attacks and do it for real.

    i pray w does it before january 2009 - when hillary is sworn in! YIPES! GOD FORBID!
