Wednesday, March 22, 2006


French PM Dominique de Villepin has indicated he is willing to be flexible on at least one key element of a controversial youth employment law. He said he is willing to cut the length of a trial period from two years. However, he said he would not withdraw the contract entirely, as trade unions and students have demanded in a battle of strength with the government. French students plan more protests for Thursday, while trade unions are planning a day of action next Tuesday.
This cave-in to the Leftist thugs is no surprise; it's entirely in keeping with his appproach to the Paris Intifada and to foreign policy. Generally speaking, the French ALWAYS surrender to thuggery - whether it's Leftist or of the islamothuggery variety.

France needs a REAGAN - who stood up for what was right whether it was on the domestic front - as when he put it to the illegal strikers of PATCO (the air-traffic controllers organization), or whether it wqas on the international agneda - as when he called the USSR an evil empire, and deployed the Pershinbgs despite MASSIVE WORLDWIDE protests by the Left.

The French have no Reagan, but they do have Sarkozy - BUT, they have to wait two years before they can get him. I hope they last that long. I have my doubts...

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