Thursday, March 16, 2006


Europe is in the middle of a three-way culture war, between the proponents of secular hedonism, the defenders of traditional Judeo-Christian morality and the forces of Islamic Jihadism. For the secular hedonists currently holding sway in the Netherlands, Islamic Jihadism and the traditional morality of civilised people are one and the same thing.
These "secular hedonists" are a MAJOR part of the worldwide Left, today - and they clearly set the Left's agenda. They are not willing to put aside their own war on the West (while we fight radical Islam) is one reason why our efforts to defeat the enemy are constantly under assault. Their assault on traditional culture and their assault on the war-time measures we attempt to take to preempt attacks make the enemy's efforts more likely to succeed.

That's why many people - myself included - see the left as essentially TRAITOROUS, and pathetically so; the enemy is even more intolerant of them then the worst traditionalists in the West.

When the "secular hedonsists" accept that radical Islam as our COMMON enemy, and if they then (even temporarily) put aside their differences with the bourgeoise and join whole-heartedly with us in the war, then WE WILL WIN THIS WAR FASTER, WITH LESS CASUALTIES AND AT A MUCH LOWER COST.

[ASIDE: Ironically, the fact that "secular hedonists" are tolerated by traditionalists in the West is a MAJOR reason why the enemy - radical Islam - hates us. DOUBLE IRONY: We traditionalists are not just defending our own lives and values; we are defending the rights of the "secular hedonists" who abhor us and our values. C'est la vie.]

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