Thursday, March 09, 2006


Yesterday’s municipal elections in the Netherlands were won by the Left ... the far-left Socialist Party (SP) doubled its number of seats. ... Yesterday’s result does not bode well for the Right in next year’s general elections. ... A government of Labour, the SP and the extreme-left Groen Links (Green Left) Party could replace the current center-right government ... Today the center-left newspaper De Volkskrant writes that the immigrant vote has tipped the balance in favour of the Left.

Today, owing to their demographic growth, the immigrant vote is increasing as more and more young immigrants reach voting age. In many countries the Left has begun to cater for the immigrants, aware that the immigrants guarantee their power.

According to the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies of the University of Amsterdam 80% of the non-indigenous electorate voted for Labour. This explains why cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Breda and Arnhem succumbed to the Left. The center-right ... party of famous Dutch policians such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali ... received only 1% of the immigrant vote. ...

This should not come as a surprise. All across Europe, immigrants tend to vote for the Left. The Left is perceived to be the welfare state’s Santa Claus. Most of the immigrants who came to Europe during the past decades were attracted by the generous welfare benefits which Western Europe lavishly bestows on the “underprivileged.”
As HAMAS took over the territories, so too will Muslim immigrants take over Old Europe. Unless something really DRASTIC happens before 2007 (like Leftists wake up and realize the risk to their civilization, or Sarkozy and Merkel really turn things around), NOTHING can stop the Muslims from taking over Western Europe: The Muslims have demographics, a stealth strategy, and willing COLLABORATORS on the Left.

THINK I'M BEING AND ALARMIST? Wish I was. NOTE: In France's larger cities, 50% of the men under age 20 ARE MUSLIM. More HERE and HERE and HERE.


  1. The Islamists do not have even a possible upcoming majority anywhere in Europe except for a few cities, such as Paris and Malmo, etc.

    But, the problem is, in Europe, most governments are Parliamentary. Therefore, Islamist organizations only have to comprise 20-30% of the vote in order to wield enormous influence.

    There are many areas of Europe in which Muslim will comprise 20-30% of the population within the next few years.

    Once the Muslims comprise more than 30-35% of the population, it will become relatively easy to actually win parliamentary elections, and form coalitions with dhimmi Left groups.

    Didn't Hitler come to power with just 34% of the vote?

    That's how I remember my history lesson.

    Parliamentary systems are a disaster, in my opinion. Really, all they are is an attempt to give more power to smaller groups of people.

    In the two party system, the smaller groups of people have to work harder to get their opinions on the agenda of the larger party. In other words, they have to make a real case for their ideas, before the ideas can even hit the national stage.

    This leads to a more stable form of government.

    When strange new ideas/politicians only have to garner 10-15% of the vote in order to become power brokers in coalition-forming, then strange new ideas/politicians can wield power beyond their actual representation within the electorate.

    Now, Reliapundit, I'm sure you are more clear on the nuances of the Parliamentary system than I am. Maybe you ought to write on this subject.

    One solution to the upcoming Democratic confrontation with Islamist groups would be for European government to abandon the Parliamentary system, and move to a two-party Democratic Republic, like the United States.

    This would put off real confrontation for about 20-30 years, in most European countries.

    See what I mean?

  2. i agree entirely.

    what is so so so SO dang weird isd that NOT A SINGLE new democracy since 1989 - not even afghanistan or iraq OR ISRAEL! - have adopted a USA style constitution or a bicameral legislative branch.

    weird since our is obviously the best.

    i think that one MAJOR reason this is true is that LEFTISTS dominate these places.

    iraq afghanistan and israel and eastern europe are all traditionallyt leftist

    and leftists are ELITISTS who disdain any system which would dampen the power of their elite to LORD over the ignorant cretin majority.

    leftists are proud to be out of touch with the majority.

    andf they prefer sysytems in which a cohesive ideological minority can weild DISPROPORTIONATE power over the majority.

    wiping out leftism is the key to this century - both interms of the Long War and spreading liberty and the properity which only liberty produces.

    leftists would rather dole out limited materiel then grow the pie.

    it gives them POWER to decide winners and losers -- and they feel that they KNOW BETTER who SHOULD be a winner and WHO should be a loser then free people/the marketplace.
