Monday, February 06, 2006


The ONLY countries to vote with Iran at the IAEA were Syria, Cuba and Venezuela - the last two are each run by Leftists, hardcore Marxists to be precise. Syria is Baathist, and Baathism is merely pan-Arabian/Islamic socialism.

Leftists aid and abet the enemy in other ways, too - as when the ACLU sues to get convicted/admitted jihadoterrorist off the hook and free to attack again, or plan other attacks.

And there's news from socialist run Spain, too (from BARCEPUNDIT):
NOW, ZAPATERO HAS DEFINITELY put Spain in the wrong side. With all Western countries publicly defending free speech and condemning the barbaric acts of violence after the publication of the Danish cartoons, Zapatero and Erdogan write an open letter that has been published in today's International Herald Tribune ... you won't find a single line of clear and specific condemnation for the death threats, embassy burnings, etc [in this letter]. There isn't any aknowledgement whatsoever of previous acts of violence in the name of Islam prior to the Danish cartoons, which is specially egregious considering Zapatero is the Prime Minister of a country where 192 people were killed in the name of Islam (at least apparently) almost 2 years ago. Way before any cartoon "provoked" any reaction.
There are many reasons why the Left supports the enemy. One is BDS. Another is their loathng of Western Civilization which they blame for the phantom of man-made global-warming, sexual repression and widespread societal sexual dysfunction - (see Marcuse), and the poverty of the Third World. Each of these assertions is demonstrably FALSE, yet these doesn't stop Leftists from BELIVING in them - there faith in Leftism enables them to suspend logic and ignore reality. The lack of falsifiability of most of their arguments doesn't phase them a bit. And they do this inspite of the very obvious fact that our enemy threatens them as muich as anybody. WHY DO THEY DO THIS!?

Here is one of the best explanations I've read in a while - from a frequent commenter at this blog, GANDALIN, who left this comment at AMERICAN DIGEST:
the left is not motivated by a "subconscious yearning" for America's defeat, but quite self-consciously announces the defeat of America as its primary goal.

Thus a leftist author like William Blum does not think his books are being unfairly used by Usama Bin Laden to provide an ex-post-facto apologia for mass murder. Rather, my impression is that the William Blums in our country are quite confident that they have recruited the Usama Bin Ladens of the world to their banner, and believe that after Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah have contributed their small part to defeating the Beast, they will return peacefully to their caves to smoke kif while the William Blums, Barbra Streisands, and Cynthia McKinneys take the reins of power.

Unlike Cindy Sheehan, Hugo Chavez, and William Blum, on the other hand, the mass/mainstream/antique media apparatchiks must of course conceal the fact that they have enlisted in the leftist project; thus they give the appearance of merely subconsciously yearning for America's defeat.

The stupidity and blindness of the world view of the fellow travelers, useful idiots, and willing dupes are indeed astonishing.

The irony is that the efforts of those that the left hates are precisely what will, God willing, prevent the left from tasting the bitter sadness of discovering that they did not recruit the tyrants to their causes, but were used by the tyrants who would surely, coming to victory, grind them in the same infernal machine they applied to all their other victims.

I'd add two further notes: First, Leftism has failed MISERABLY in the USSR and China, and it's failing in Zimbabwe, Cuba, Vietnam - and every other single place it's EVER been tried. Yet this doesn't deter Leftists from maintaining a fervent belief in their creed. This obtuseness - this blatant DENIAL OF REALITY - is also what enables them to deny that Bush is actually doing exactly what FDR and Truman and JFK would've done in the same circumstances, and which if once DONE BY THEM, would've probably been met with MORE support from the Left.

WHY IS THIS!? Well, - and this is my second point - the Leftist creed valorizes the rule by an elite, and this has always made them susceptible to falling vitim to the "cult of personality" - and the "benevolent dictator syndrome": Lenin; Hitler (YES: HE WAS A SOCIALIST!); Stalin; Mao; Fidel; Che; Allende; Ho Chiu Minh; Pol Pot; Mugabe; Chavez, etc. The Left IDOLIZED EACH OF THESE TYRANTS. Their diathesis for worshipping tyrants also makes them prone to demonizing their foes. In this light, we see why the Left demonized Nixon and Reagan, and now Bush. What the left fails to understand is the extent to which Leftist tyrannies were defeated by the VALUES of these men (and not their personalities!); the victories of these men were fueled by their belief in liberty and freedom for all humanity, and their knowledge that properity is a by-product of this liberty, and their confidence that democracy is the most effective form of government to promote a free and properous nation.

These VALUES, and not merely the sheer force of our president's will, are what will propel us to our ultimate victory. A victory which will not only defeat the enemy, but finally consign Leftism to the dustbin of history - where it belongs!


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Yes, Zapatero is a disgrace for every Spaniard, he's not only a coward but also a terrorist, his words are nothing but surrender and justification for the terrorists. But what it's worse is the huge amount of brainless extreme lefties in Spain that support Palestinian and arab terrorists, even though they (the terrorist) would kill the lefties too if they had any chance. Fortunately there are also other people in the country who support Danmark, US, Israel and the free world. We still have the hope of a change of government in the next poll.

  2. i hope u can defeat the soshies!

    i love spain!

    thanks for commenting!
