Monday, February 27, 2006


The NYTIMES reports that Germany secretly aided our war against Saddam (even though they publicly derided it). They did this by handing over Saddam's war plans to us. MY QUESTION IS HOW AND WHY DID THEY GET'EM!? I think it proves that the Germans were really in very VERY deep with Saddam, and were playing a dangerous double game. Here's what the NYTIMES account says:
The classified study contains a copy of the sketch supplied by the Germans. "The overlay was provided to the Germans by one of their sources in Baghdad (identity of the German sources unknown)," the study notes. "When the bombs started falling, the agents ceased ops and went to the French Embassy."
If you ask me, the Germans helped Saddam make the plan, and then gave a carbon-copy to us to cover their asses. ALSO NOTE WHERE THE KRAUTS HID: in the friggin French embassy! How fitting!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    the krauts built saddam's bunkers - so they wanted to be able to say they helped the US destroy them...otherwise all their customers in the ME would demand refunds!
