Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Let's face it folks: gosh near all the Arab Muslim nation's have gotten everything moral and legal nearly exactly backwards:

They think it's fine and dandy to call for a boycott of Denmark because one newspaper in Denmark printed a few CARTOONS they found insulting. The raba nations have no respect for free speech - A BASIC UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT!

At the time, they think it we in the West too far when we threaten sanctions against Syria and Iran - in Syria's case for murdering Hariri, and in Iran's case for lying about uranium enrichment for 18 years, and for illegally trying to make nuclear weapons (YEAH, ILLEGAL: Iran is a signatory to the NPT!).

Sanctions against Syria and Iran for their CRIMES is morally and legally correct. A boycott against Denmark is insanely wrong and unjust.

We must press ahead with sanctions against Syria and Iran - or even stronger actions! And we must NOT cower or waiver or relent in the face of the Arab Muslim nations attempt to intimidate us and turn us into dhimmis.

UPDATE - from a commenter:
The islamofacists think it is a greater sin to publish political cartoons than to kill innocents by the thousands (and even their own daughters!), blow up churches etc etc. They expect the right to build mosques in onther lands, but allow no reciprocal right to other religions...


  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The islamofacists think it is a greater sin to publish political cartoons than to kill innocents by the thousands (and even their own daughters!), blow up churches etc etc.

    They expect the right to build mosques in onther lands, but allow no reciprocal right to other religions...

    The islamofacists are in service with the devil...

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Terrorism is the threat or execution of violence which takes any part of another person's life (i.e. without their voluntary consent and not in an act of self-defense). Sanctions are exactly that.

    ALL governments are terrorist. Governments tax by the threat and execution of violence, having no right to the property of it's citizens that have not voluntarily consented. Governments regulate by terrorism as well. The U.S. government is a terrorist entity. Just governments rule at the consent of the governed.

    Islamofacists are surely evil, violating principles of justice. So are any U.S. Sanctions, which would be a terrorist action. No law whatsoever justifies the wholesale destruction of innocent lives and property. One might argue the relative costs or the impossibility of other action. But the incessant "U.S. is right" is reprehensible. The U.S. is dead wrong domestically and internationally. It's policies are of aggressive expansion of GOVERNMENT power. What will evolve will not be peace, but increased war. It it the STATE that is evil.

    As a free people, we've a right to come to the aid of other people at any time and at any place of our choosing. But we've no right to place "sanctions" on anyone -- most especially the young and the old that would be most affected.

  3. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Hey anonymous 218:

    you are a moral relativist CLOWN!

  4. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Actually I think Anonymous "!( is an ANARCHIST CLOWN!

  5. 218 is a dupe.

    i'll PROVE IT:

    oif the KKK goes and lyunchs a person because of their skin pigmentation- THAT IS TERRORISM.

    when the FFBI finds the KKKperps and corners them and demands they come out and they refuse and there's a gunfight and the KKK perps DIE - THAT I S NOT TERRORISM.

    the wanton killing of innocent non-uniformed third parties is TERROR.

    killing the uniformed declared enemy is warfare.

    warfare might be regular or guerilla. neither is terror.

    BTW: the genva conventions ARE A TREATY, not "conventions" as in "commonly practiced rules."

    the genva TREATY only applies to signatories and only portects UNIFORMED personnel of a signatory enemy.

    if oner nation were to apply the greneva treay to non-signatories WHO DO NOT DO SO IN RETURN then that waters down its effects and renders becoming a signatory MEANINGLESS.

    SANCTIONS and embargoes are a preliminary step toward war meant to avoid war. they are very serious "last resort" tools.

    we did not get any warning or preliminary step before 9/11.

    also: all we muis6t do inn war is conscientiously try to acvoid civilian/non-uiniformed death/collateral damage.

    but no war is a perfect exchange of only uniformed casualties.

    we must never make the perfect the enemy of the good.

    just because we embark on something which is imperfect or below our best expectations doesn't mean it is meaningless or bad.

    juts as we must punish KKK lynchers we must punish the islamofascists: they are racist, homophobic, mysogynistic, endomgamous, genocidal, xenophobic and a self-described enemy of western civilization.

    if they will not come out witrh their hands up (after we threaten the use of deadly force), then we have no choice but to use that force.

    BOTTOM LINE: 218 - u are a moral relativist which the safe-haven of fools and the idiotic lie of post modern leftism.

    all ideologies are not equal.


    you condemn in absolute terms GWB.
    you condemn in ABSOLUTE terms the State.

    this extreme anarchistic ideology is NOT relativist position.

    yet you equate all violnece as being equal.

    all this reveals is trhat your position is poorly thought out.

    i believe this is the case becasue you are a dupe of jargon and brainwashing.


    use reason and logic. pay attention to FACTS!
