Sunday, February 12, 2006


I re-screened the classic film SEVEN SAMURAI last night. I came away as amazed as ever about this movie - simply one of the best ever made. (It was the basis for the western movie, THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN).

The movie takes place in rural 16th Century Japan. Early in the movie there's a scene in which a few of these poor peasant farmers - long the victims of raiding bandits who steal their crops and rape their women - worry about being beseiged by bandits again - AND SOON: as soon as their new crop comes in! They argue about whether to suffer, or to fight back - by hiring some samurai to help them defend themselves. To settle their debate, they seek the advice of "GRANDAD" - the venerable old man of the village who has seen it all. As they present their cases to GRANDAD, one fearful skeptic who doesn't want them to hire samurai says (paraphrasing), "I am against hiring any samurai, because - even though the samurai might indeed fend off the bandits - our daughters admire samurai so much, we might lose some to the samurai!"

The old man - GRANDAD - ponders a moment, and then scratches his unshaven, whiskered chin and says: "What's the use of worrying about your beard when your head's about to be taken?"

I think the Left should take this sage advice: stop worrying about whether the NSA is listening to your international calls with a secret FISA court approved warrant, or directly under an executive order signed by the POTUS himself; (that's your beard!). Worry about al Qaeda; (they might take off your head!).

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