Saturday, February 18, 2006


Russia plunged deeper into the maelstrom of Middle Eastern politics yesterday, saying it might sell arms to the Palestinians after talks with Hamas in Moscow early next month. The announcement by Russia's Chief of General Staff, Yuri Baluyevsky, will outrage Israel.
LET'S LOOK AT PUTIN'S RECORD: Putin is arming Syria and Iran with its most advanced anti-aircraft missiles, and helping Iran build its nuclear assets. Russia is also a major ally of North Korea. ALSO REMEMBER THAT SADDAM WAS A CLIENT STATE OF THE USSR, AND THAT PUTIN'S RUSSIA WAS AN ALLY OF SADDAM'S, PILFERING MONEY FROM AND BRIBES FROM THE "OIL FOR FOOD" PROGRAM. (And also, remember that it was reportedly the Russians who helped Saddam get his WMD to Syria.)

Just add it up: Iran, Syria, Noth Korea and NOW HAMAS. Just what is Putin assembling here?! I'LL TELL YOU WHAT: A true axis of evil - one led by the NEW KGB. YUP: Russia is a very VERY bad actor on the world stage, and Putin is an emerging tyrant who must be countered. We must do something about this before Putin has finished arming his NEW SATELITES and it's too late.

The best way to counter these aggressively anti-US/anti-Free World moves by Putin is to topple Iran and Syria and North Korean regimes as rapidly as possible. This is truly a race against time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    get your wd40 out.
    start pumping the liquid O2.

    u239 enema on deck!
