Thursday, February 09, 2006


YAHOO/"Reuters" (hat tip LGF):
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he would invite Hamas leaders to Moscow, opening a crack in a wall of U.S.-led opposition to dealing with the Palestinian election winner until it recognized Israel. ...

At a meeting in London on January 30, Quartet representatives [the official backers of the "Roadmap For Peace"] said the Palestinians risked losing international aid if Hamas did not renounce violence and recognize Israel. Hamas has rejected the demand.

... U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in Washington that the Bush administration had "contacted the Russian government about what their intentions are. ...
If there are any contacts between the Russian government and Hamas, we would expect that they would send that very clear message, both in public and private, that is contained in the Quartet statement." A State Department official said Russia had not revealed Putin's plan to invite Hamas leaders at the Quartet meeting.
If Putin does deal with an unchanged Hamas, then we should annouce support for an independent Chechen state. ARE YOU LISTENING AMBASSADOR BOLTON?!


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    I love your site, although I never commented until now. As I see the events unfold in the Middle East whether they are the cartoons, or the European appeasement, or Putin's latest support for Hamas. Here is the fact according to the 'Ezekiel's Prophecy: The king from the north, together with ALL muslim nations will prepare, and attempt an all out assault on Israel, but will fail. It is no co-incidence that Putin is NOT a friend of the USm but rather assisting the enemies, and arming them to their teeth. It is calculated, and unavoidable, because of the prophecy in the Bible. I would says, everyone needs to get ready for a showdown in Israel, as the Iranians develop, and will have possession of the Nuclear Bomb, and will use it. Just my five cents.

  2. thanks for the compliment.

    whether these are the end days and armeggedon or not:

    each prson must always stand up for what is right;

    each person must be aware there are false prophets - who will lead one astray;

    and everyone must be prepared to be judged for their actions.

    i'll admit there are many eerie parallels beteen current events and those prophesized. the angles you mention - and others.

    but there have been parallels before.

    could it be that armegeddon is always just around the corner? and that if we act badly enough we bring it?

    could it be that that the perfect days are right around the corner, too? and that if we only acted right and true and good enough they'd be here?

    i don't know God's plan. I don't know if it matters if anybody knows it or not.

    we DO know what's right. and just. and have a duty to try to live in a way that's in harmony with what's true and right and just.

    if we each do that, it doesn't matter what the global outcome is - that global outcome may very well be beyond our ability to add or detract.

    but the outcome for our own soul is our responsibility. armeggedon, or not.

    i wish you well. thanks for commenting.

  3. Well put, Reliapundit. I have argued the same on CUANAS. We must work to do what is right, and not become fatalistic.

    In the Christian tradition, we believe that Satan whispers in our ear, trying to convince us that we are worthless. What is more worthless than to believe that one's own actions have no bearing on the outcome of events.

    Another thing, we are supposed to believe that life is a blessing. Why would we give in to a possible apocalypse, when there is so much beautiful life to preserve, including the lives of our children.

    Another thing, God clearly says in His Word that He has included us in on the job of building His Kingdom on Earth. Why then would we give up that task, and submit to Armadgeddon.

    I have been seeing far too much of this from the Christian community. It makes me sick to my stomach.
