Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Lefties are fond of calling McCarthy's efforts to uncover Soviet agents in the State Department and the US military a "witchhunt." The late and vastly over-rated playwright Arthur Miller wrote an allegorical play about McCarthyism called "The Crucible" which epitomized this meme. He set ithe story in colonial Salem. To Miller and the Left, the colonial witchhunters were analogous to the commie-hunters in the 1950'S.

Too bad the allegory/analogy is way WAY OFF - nothing more than Left-wing propaganda. WHY!? Well, as we all know, witches do not really exist - in the sense that their magic is real or that they ever presented a real threat to Christianity, or a real threat to the folks in colonial Salem. But communists were real and Soviet agents were real and American communists infiltrating the State Department and the US military were REAL. Alger Hiss was really a spy for the Soviet Union, and the Rosenbergs were really spies for the Soviet Union. The VENONA PAPERS prove that McCarthy's efforts were NOT ANYTHING LIKE A WITCHHUNT. His efforts were aimed at a REAL threat, and targeted REAL spies.

When present day Lefties - like Clooney and Moore and Sheehan - accuse McCarthy and Bush and the USA of being evil paranoids, they are essentially making the same false charges that the anti-McCarthy Left made back then, and they are essentially defending the enemy - as they did back then. Their use of the McCarthy analogy really only exposes their ignorance and idiocy. The Left and the MSM were useful idiots then and they're useful idiots now.

BOTTOM-LINE: The Left's fear and hatred of McCarthy and Bush is entirely irrational; while our fear of al Qaeda IS ENTIRELY RATIONAL. McCarthy and Bush are NOT properly called witchhunters because Soviet agents and al Qaeda are neither phantoms of our imagination or innocent people; calling the jihadoterrorist enemy a clear and present danger is not a false charge, and those who make it are not hysterically irrational paranoid "witchhunters." The Clooney's and the Moore's and the Sheehan's are the true paranoids. And their paranoia serves the enemy.

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