Wednesday, February 01, 2006


First Jimmy Carter called HAMAS "so called terrorists" and then he said we should continue funding the PA even though it is now run by a genocidal racist terrorist organization.

Meanwhile, Mubarak and leading figures in the Egyptian goverment are saying that HAMAS must FIRST renounce terrorism and accept israel's right to exist BEFORE being allowed to form a government.

Well, it's simple really: Mubarak doesn't want a "little Iran" on it's border - (and neither do Jordan or Lebanon).

If we want ANY CHANCE at getting Hamas to change, then we must present a united front on this issue - and then follow up with a boycott. Hamas must be confronted and defeated - NOT appeased.

Whuich is why appeasing jerks like Carter and Clinton - and now Wolfowitz - should keep their appeasing mouths shut!

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