Monday, February 06, 2006


Baghdad - Iraqi police have arrested the fourth-rankin

g figure in al-Qaida in Iraq, state television said, while officials are investigating whether the group's leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, had fled to neighbouring Iran.

The brief report on Iraqiya television yesterday identified the suspect as Mohammed Rabei, also known as Abu Dhar, and said he was No 4 in the al-Qaida. It gave no further details.

Meanwhile, a senior Iraqi security officer said the Iraqi government has been receiving information that al-Zarqawi may have moved to neighboring Iran after hot pursuit by US and Iraqi forces in western Iraq.
YNET/AP is also reporting this bulletin from IRAQI TV.
As is FOCUS - who seems to have confirmed it with the iraqi government.

WELL, WELL, WELL: Zarqawi in Iran... and al Sadr in Damascus. Hmmm: Persian and Arab; Allawite, Shia and Sunni jihadoterrorists all cooperating. A true transnational/state-sponsored axis of evil.

WHAT COULD THIS INDICATE? It's simple: I expect things to heat up MORE AND MORE as we put more pressure on Syria and Iran, and(I have been blogging since September of last year) to heat things up they will mostly use their jihadoterrorist stooges - Zarqawi, al Sadr, and even more "spontaneous" gloabl intifadas. Stay tuned... things are JUST BEGINNING to heat up...

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