Tuesday, February 28, 2006


The London-based Dar al-Hiyat newspaper reported on Tuesday that Iran would allocate $250 million to the Palestinian Authority to replace the funding withheld by Israel and the United States following Hamas' election victory. In an interview with the newspaper, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said that he officially approved the Iranian support for the new Hamas-led PA.
That will buy a lot of bombs and missiles and rockets. And it proves one thing: Jihadoterrorists stick together! We should treat all who support terrorists like the terrorists themselves - even the EU!

I hope that Israel swiftly finishes the security fence and rapidly completes unilateral separation from the West Bank, then - if and when the enemy launches a major attack against Israel - the IDF should utterly destroy the enemy, empty the territories and reduce them to ashes and dust. An uninhabited reminder and a buffer zone.

Making the prospect of this "unilaterally assured destruction" quite clear to the enemy might be the best deterrent to any attack, and best guarantor of "peace." I put "peace" in quotation marks because a true peace can only exist between peoples who accept each other. As long as Muslims don't accept the state of Israel there can be no real peace.

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