Monday, February 13, 2006

GORE SLANDERS WHILE AMERICA IN ARABIA: what ever happened to "speaking truth to power"?!!?

Gore went to ONE OF THE MOST REPRESSIVE Arab nations in the world, one which is the literally and figuratively the very heart of ISLAMIC EXTREMISM, and he had nothing better to say than essentially “Sorry Abdullah; America sucks".

And he said that while USA is under assault because of a CARTOON HOAX. Essentially, Gore is jumping on the Islamothug's anti-West bandwagon. AT BEST, it's an example of despicable pandering.

I thought Lefties were fond of “speaking truth to power"?! If they truly were, then Gore would've taken the opportunity to tell the POWERFUL Saudis to quit their support for all islamo-extremism. Instead he pandered - to the Arabs and the Left.

All Gore and Clinton and Carter and Schroeder and the rest of the Left do is blame America (or the West) first. They all complain about US behavior and not one said BOO about Islamothuggery and Islamic mainstream SILENCE in the face of OUTRAGEOUS Islamothuggery.They're either dupes, a willing Fifth Column, or hard up for $auid money - or all three.

Either way: these leftie Dems ought NEVER to be trusted with the national security of this nation or the Free World ever again. EVER. And I’m a lifelong Democrat (1st registered in 1974!) who supported Clinton because he promised to drag the party back from the McGovernite Left-wing and toward the Scoop Jackson center. At the time - BELIEVE IT OR FRIGGIN NOT - picking Gore was part of how Clinton proved he was a centrist. Sheesh. Now, they have BOTH proven that the heart and soul of the Democrat Party is firmly in the Left and firmly controlled by DOVES.

FDR and Truman and JFK and LBJ and Scoop are SPINNING in their graves.

Guys like Gore (and Henry Wallace before him) are why good FDR Democrats like Reagan left the party.

Since 1989, I have been moving to the center - crediting Reagan for all his accomplishments and rethinking ALL the hogwash I was raised on; (my parents were commie doves). Since 2001, I have been ashamed I was ever a Clinton-Gore supporter. Now I am sickened. Truly sickened. The Corettea Scott King funeral and now this. It all adds up. Pardon my English but: these folks - Carter, Clinton, Gore (and their chic euroweenie comrades: Schroeder and Chirac) are scum. Utter scum. [Other reports HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.]


  1. I'm glad you paired this with the Coretta Scott King funeral. Both of these events are just sickening. I don't even know how to articulate the depth of the depravity Carter and Gore have shown.

    Sometimes the picture is so clear, all I feel like I can do is point to it. Words seem redundant.

    But, of course, the Left still doesn't get it.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The left believes the thugs will win (basing this on their own cowardice and unwillingness to risk their sorry hides) and so they are pandering to who they think will be their masters.
