Saturday, February 04, 2006


UPDATE: Make no mistake about it: THIS IS A REAL INTIFADA: The Danish and Norwegian Embassies HAVE BEEN TORCHED in Damascus. Stories HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.

This intifada, THE CARTOON INTIFADA, like ALL the previous ones - is ONLY a pretext for global jihad, (an SOP of the ROP). The cartoons are just an excuse for the jihadists to rile up the Arab Muslim masses to attack the West - and to make the West cower into dhimmitude.

Most intifadas are started this way - by way of local excuses:
The "PARIS INTIFADA" was supposedly started (that is, if you ask a local Muslim!) because a few Arab Muslim youths were chased by the police into a train-yard where they were "accidentally" electrocuted. This was just an excuse - a trumped up reason for them to try to intimidate the French - and by extension us, The Free World.

The so-called "SECOND INTIFADA" - which Arafat initiated after declining to accept all the territories and half of Jerusalem from Barak- was merely a pretext for continued war against Israel. This proved to most observers (from Barak to Dennis Ross) that Arafat never really wanted peaceful co-existence or a negotiated two-state solution, and merely used OSLO as a Trojan Horse, (as Bibi and Arik had always said. YUP: THEY WERE RIGHT!).

Separate, independent nationhood for Arabs in the so-called "occupied territories is just a pretext. Meshal - the head of Hamas - admits this. He admits that Hamas wants all of Israel to be subsumed into the ummah (see below). In fact, one cannot possibly argue against this because the PLO was actually founded BEFORE 1967, before what's presently called "occupied territory" was even "occupied." To the islamofascists of the PLO - and Hamas - ALL of Israel is on Arab Muslim land and all of Israel must be erased. Ahmadinejad and Binladen and Zarqawi and Zawahiri merely say what most others believe and won't say.

The so called insurgency in the Sunni provinces of Iraq is an intifada too; it's "THE SUNNI INTIFADA" - and it isn't really about American occupation, either. All that the so called insurgents REALLY want is to re-establish an islamofascist state.

And Algerians have been fighting jihadoterrorism for a decade; hundreds of thousands of Arab Muslims have died in this conflict. (That's HUNDREDS OF TIMES more Arabs than have been killed by Israelis!). "THE ALGERIAN INTIFADA" is not merely about the islamothugs trying to establish a Taliban-like state in Algeria. That's just their immediate, LOCAL aim.

And there's a THAILAND INTIFADA, and a FILIPINO INTIFADA and there are little intifada's all over the globe. Each seemingly inflamed by LOCAL issues but all really part of the global aspirations of jihad. GLOBAL JIHAD. They want to re-establish the Caliphate from Spain to the Philippines. And place it under extremist rule. Along the way, they will kill or convert - OR THREATEN INTO DHIMMITUDE - everyone who gets in their way.
Each "intifada" is a little battlefield and a LITTLE SUDATENLAND, of sorts, as the islamofascists systematically seek to diminish the grasp and reach of the Free World. Like Sudatenland and Hitler, our enemy often promises that the current "dust up" is really just about this narrow local issue. As if the tumult and threats we've been witnessing in the Muslim world is REALLY JUST ABOUT CARTOONS. It ain't. Cartoons are merely the proverbial finger before they take the hand.

In terms of territory, they demand we surrender: the West Bank; the Sunni provinces; the Moro Islands; Bali; Kashmir; Israel; Anadalusia; Albania and Kosovo; Serbia; Afghanistan and Pakistan and eventually all of Arabia. Each is a little Sudatenland if taken on it's own. Together it's the old Caliphate.

There are figurative Sudatenlands, too, which then enemy wants us to surrender along the way, like our Freedom of Expression - how we dress, what we say and write and draw and paint, and the music we play and listen to, the movies we make and watch - the websites we construct and visit. They want us to SURRENDER this, too.

And they don't want to allow anyone to have Freedom of Religion, not even fellow Muslims who are Sufi or Shia. And they don't want anyone to have Freedom from Want - their societies a rife with poverty.

And of course, they don't want anybody to have Freedom from Fear; fear is their ONLY weapon; they love inflicting fear more than they love life.

It's long passed time people in the West saw the enemy for what they are: the most evil, despicable, vile inhumane force that has EVER walked on the face of the Earth.

And therefore, it's long passed time everyone saw this CARTOON INTIFADA for what it is: an excuse for the enemy to attack us and make us retreat, and cower before them and their nihilistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist creed.

FDR - who defeated Nazism - would be shoulder-to-shoulder with the cartoonists and Bush. HECK: maybe he'd be out front, leading Bush, exhorting him to be even more comprehensive in the counter-attack against jihadism. YUP: maybe if FDR was president he'd of FIRE-BOMBED Tora Bora and Waziristan and Ramadi and Fallujah and every other outpost of islamofascism. YUP: ya gotta hand it to FDR - and Harry S Truman: they didn't pull punches with fascism the way George W Bush does with jihadoterrorism. YUP: I'm beginning to think the "W" stands for WIMP!

And we'll never win this war by wimping out, by surrendering a little Sudatenland here and a little Sudatenland there. We'll never win by giving into little intifadas, or kidnappings or beheadings or suicide bombings - OR WORSE. We'll only win when we smash the enemy and utterly defeat them. No matter how long it takes.

And no matter how many peace-loving, tolerant "moderate" Muslims get angry... and call for our heads!



  1. Anonymous2:55 AM


    I am afraid you're 100% on the mark.

    We must stand up to islamofacists.

    No Surrender!



    We MUST stand up NOW or we stand to lose a lot more later.

    A nuclear IRAN...NEVER!!!

    The Islamic terrorists object to our cartoons, how we dress, how we worship, what we drink, what we watch, what we listen to? They want to impose their beliefs on the world through terrorism and fear; the same way they became muslims.

    How many Islamic women are proud that their sons have blown themselves up killing infidels. Make NO MISTAKE. This is NOT local intifada; THIS IS WAR.

    The WORLD (speaking through the UN) must clearly announce that it is against intifada, jihad and islamic terrorism. It must clearly state that if it is not Islamic, IT WILL NOT ABIDE BY ISLAMIC LAW.

    ALL PEOPLE have the right to determine how they live as long as they do not harm their neighbors.

    All states giving haven or sheltering or harboring terrorists and jihadists are our enemies. Let the pieces fall into place and let the war begin now. We will have too much to lose later fighting nuclear islamic states.

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM


    We MUST stand up NOW or we stand to lose a lot more later.

    A nuclear IRAN...NEVER!!!

    The Islamic terrorists object to our cartoons, how we dress, how we worship, what we drink, what we watch, what we listen to? They want to impose their beliefs on the world through terrorism and fear; the same way they became muslims.

    How many Islamic women are proud that their sons have blown themselves up killing infidels. Make NO MISTAKE. This is NOT local intifada; THIS IS WAR.

    The WORLD (speaking through the UN) must clearly announce that it is against intifada, jihad and islamic terrorism. It must clearly state that if it is not Islamic, IT WILL NOT ABIDE BY ISLAMIC LAW.

    ALL PEOPLE have the right to determine how they live as long as they do not harm their neighbors.

    All states giving haven or sheltering or harboring terrorists and jihadists are our enemies. Let the pieces fall into place and let the war begin now. We will have too much to lose later fighting nuclear islamic states.
