Thursday, January 19, 2006


Apparently, President Clinton and USA AG Reno obstructed justice (by impeding te work of a Special Prosecutor) in the Secretary of HUD Cisneros tax fraud case. (More HERE). EXCERPT:
Mr. Barrett began his investigation with the narrower issue of whether Mr. Cisneros lied to the Federal Bureau of Investigation when he was being considered for the cabinet position. He ended his inquiry accusing the Clinton administration of a possible cover-up.

His report says Justice Department officials refused to grant him the broad jurisdiction he wanted; for example, Attorney General Janet Reno said he could look at only one tax year. And after Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington took a Cisneros investigation out of the hands of district-level officials in Texas, the agency deemed the evidence too weak to merit a criminal inquiry, a conclusion strongly disputed by one Texas investigator. ... After being indicted on 18 felony counts, Mr. Cisneros pleaded guilty in 1999 to a misdemeanor charge of lying to investigators. He was later pardoned by President Bill Clinton.
"Cisneros was later pardoned by ... Clinton." What slippery corrupt scum. BOTTOM-LINE: If this had been a GOP Secretary of HUD then it would have been frontpage news for the last seven years. But because the perps were liberals, the MSM gave them all a pass. Pathetic.

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