Friday, January 20, 2006


Prairie Pundit makes an EXCELLENT observation about Osama's last statement: it completely ignored the Israeli-Palestinian situation. Prairie Pundit concludes: He also misread the Democrats' call for retreat, which is only from Iraq at this time. He is clearly spending too much time reading the Daily Kos.

I read PP everyday; he highlights and succinctly comments on an excellent range of news items.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the mention. I also just wrote (off topic, sorry, but important, i think) this:

    Powerlineblog is usually right on the money, but with their post linked below I must disagree most strongly, and would comment there, but it is not possible.

    The US should stay out of Israeli politics much like the reverse, but to be against Olmert is to be against Sharon's policy, which has proven effective in furthering Israeli and American security in the long view. My explanation here:
