Sunday, January 22, 2006

WE CANNOT TRUST THE NORTH KOREANS, THE IRANIANS OR ASSAD - regime change or massive pre-emptive attacks are the ONLY answer

No negotiated deal with Kim Jong Il or Ahmadinejad and the mullahs, or with Assad is worth anything. No one can sanely put any credence in any of them to uphold their end of ANY bargain. They are all proven liars and deal-breakers:
(1) North Korea made a deal with Clinton on nukes, and cheated from day one; they were only caught in 2003.

(2) Iran made a deal with the NPT/IAEA/UN to file full and complete reports on their nuke programs and they didn't - FOR 18 YEARS! Their deceit was only discovered when Iranian dissidents provided proof, and when AQ Khan's nuke network was broken.

(3) Assad broke the UNSCR #1559 and was only forced out after we invaded Iraq and threatened him. He ordered the assassination of Hariri and then - because we aided an emboldened Lebanese populace (emboldened by our support for emerging democracies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Georgia, and Serbia) - the Syrians were forced to flee.

But Assad still openly aids Hizb'Allah - which is a flagrant violation of UNSCR#1559, and he still orders assassinations in Lebanon - recently of a few anti-Syria journalists.
These acts prove that it is futile AND DANGEROUS to make ANY deal with these tyrants. These abhorrent regimes must be overthrown and replaced with reliable, popularly elected leaders. Or, these nations must be pre-emptively WHACKED, so severely that they'd lose their ability to attack us or our allies, or aid groups which could attack us or our allies.

Everything we do between now and WHACKING them is just window-dressing. And it just might be giving the bad guys time to harden their targets, buy more Russian anti-aircraft missiles and make it tougher for us to what we must INEVITABLY do.

As the man says: FASTER PLEASE...

UPDATE: Lookit folks - remember Pearl harbor?! Remember 9/11?! Do you want to WAIT and see what the NEXT sneak attack is gonna look like before we whack'em!? It's better if we strike first.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    according to the left regime change hasn't worked...I guess that means...
