Thursday, January 05, 2006


Sydney Herald:
Two suicide bombers killed 120 people and wounded more than 200 in attacks near a Shi'ite holy shrine and a police recruiting centre, the bloodiest day in Iraq for four months. ... Coming a day after 58 people died in a wave of bombings and shootings, the latest bloodshed ratcheted up tension between Iraq's minority Sunni Arabs and majority Shi'ite Muslims.

The suicide bombers struck in Karbala, one of Shi'ite Islam's holiest cities, and Ramadi, a Sunni Arab stronghold in western Anbar province and a hotbed of the insurgency. "This is a war against Shi'ites," said Rida Jawad al-Takia, a senior member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), one of the country's leading Shi'ite parties. "Apparently to the terrorists, no Shi'ite child or woman should live," he said. "We are really worried. It seems they want a civil war."
The Sunni/Baathists/jihadoterrorist scum who murdered the Shias are murdering them in order to re-establish their tyrannny over Iraq. THIS WILL FAIL: Neither the Kurds or the Shias will EVER allow Iraq to fall back into the hands of the Sunnis.

THE ONLY EFFECT THIS CAMPAIGN OF TERROR HAS IS ON THE LEFT - AND THE MSM THEY STILL DOMINATE: The Left and the MSM see this continuing terror and cry that we are losing, we can't win and should get out ASAP. I wish these Lefties were at least as brave as the Kurds and the Shias. If they were, then we wouldn't have to waste energy fighting this stupid political battle on the home-front.

BTW: AT THE TIME OF THE BOMBING AT THE POLICE RECRUITING CENTER, MORE THAN 1000 IRAQIS WERE THERE - IN THE PROCESS OF VOLUNTEERING TO SERVE. Each of these volunteers was MORE brave, and MORE committed to democracy in Iraq than most of the Left and the MSM.

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