Thursday, January 26, 2006


I believe that very soon the entire rationale for the Iraq War will be ENTIRELY VINDICATED in an utterly IRREFUTABLE WAY. Here's why: from JACK KELLY (VIA PRAIRIE PUNDIT):
The Deputy Chief of Saddam Hussein's air force says in a new book that Iraq moved WMD into Syria before the war:
The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.

The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "Saddam's Secrets," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.
Gen. Sada joins a former head of the Israeli army, a former head of the U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and a Syrian defector in asserting that (much of) Saddam's WMD has been secreted in Iraq.
Elsewhere - POWERLINE - links to several items from STEPHEN HAYES detailing the links and potential links of Saddam to jihadoterrorists. And the fact that very soon ALL the documentary evidence of this will be released.

I think when we recover Saddam's WMD stocks in Syria and when Saddam's many links to al Qaeda - and their affiliates - is detailed that this will finally SHUT UP the Dem/Left. But then I am an optimist.


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    RP: No way this will shut them up. WMD is a bogus issue, similar to NSA, and before that.. You record the way the Leftist smoke screen works. No fact ever penetrates it. I wish we had war crimes tribunals for media companies. We'd shut down the MSM for good. Theirs is a record of shame that no decent person can approve.

  2. you make good points.

    i always hope and pray we can demolish the leftist creed. i believe truth can do that - if it is hammerered home. like an "intervention."

    remember: i was a leftist once, so it is possible to opens people's eyes.

  3. If the WMD story turns out to be true and it makes it into the press in 2006 then the FIRST thing the left will do is "question the timing" in light of the mid-term elections. And I say that as a Democrat (albeit one who voted for Bush last time around).

  4. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Wishful thinking that any proof that the Iraqi WMD were moved to Syria before the war will shut the dems up. Doncha' know that they only read the initial headlines and never do any followup. It is the same thing with the NSA flap ... they are fixated on "probable cause" when they should be concentrating on the "reasonableness or unreasonableness" of searches.

  5. michael and squiggles: good points. we shall see...

  6. Anonymous5:20 PM

    RP- I usually agree with you 100%, but I have to gently disagree with you on this one. Proof of WMD removal/transport won't shut the (L)s up. They will simply spin it, ignore it, or change the subject. Selective denial of objective reality is (IMHO) a root characteristic of (L)s - with apologies to you and your past, of course.

    What really worries me is the fact that (I believe) Saddam's WMDs still exist. So the NSA, the FAA, the FBI, and anyone else can investigate, search, inconvenience, and irritate me all they want. They are trying to keep us all safe. Per Ben Franklin, they have not yet taken any of my "essential" liberties.
