Saturday, January 28, 2006


A single Danish newspaper, Jyllands Posten, a cartoon depicting Mohammed. Muslims protested because depicting him is a sin for them. Many Muslim nations - including our "ally" Saudi Arabia (home of Binladen and Wahhabist fanaticism) - demanded that the Danish government punish the newspaper and make sure it never happens again at any publisher. The Danish PM - (a conservative who supports Bush, the Iraq War, and controlling immigration makiong sure it isa not rampant and that immigrants assimilate) - responded by explaing that Denmark was a democracy with human rights and that freedom of expression was one of them.

The Muslim nations demanded a face-to-face meeting with the PM. He said, basically, fuggedaboutit!

Now the Muslim nations are organizing a boycott of Danish goods.
The Muslims want to collectively punish all the Danes. the danes sell Arabia and many large Muslim nations a LOT of dairy products. And ther Danes also operate HUGE shipping firms and are the ocean carriers of MANY goods into and out of Arabia and these other Muslim nations.

If the Danes have the balls I hope they do, then they will stop doing any shipping busness with any nation that boycotts thyem, and demand that the EU do the same!

BTW: the Danes are also the BIGGEST producer of PORK PRODUCTS in the EU. Maybe they should threaten to make some huge PORK-BY-PRODUCT MISSILES and explode them right over Mecca (if the Muslims won't cancel their boycott)?! Heh.

UPDATE: Today, INSTAPUNDIT linked to this angle of the Muslim attempt at intimidation

UPDATE #2 MY PET JAWA: Warnings of Impending Suicide Attack in Denmark -- The Glory Brigades in Northern Europe are now threatening suicide attacks in Denmark.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Dumb ASS...Think before write
