Friday, January 27, 2006


Going by what Leftists told me (I was raised by them and still live among them!), the Left has always been wrong.
1 - ON VIETNAM: They said it didn't matter if South Vietnam went commie. Kerry testified to that in 1971. In 1975 they cut funding to South Vietnam, and as a result it did fall. That led directly to 1 million "boat people" (Vietnamese refugees) fleeing Marxist tyranny, and it led to the collapse of Cambodia and to 3 million murdered there (by Leftists). OBVIOUSLY: The Left was wrong.

2 - ON REAGAN: They said Reagan was a warmonger who would start WW3. They said his Pershing Missile deployment would ignite an arms race. Wrong again - twice!

3 - ON WELFARE: They said that ending welfare as we know it would lead to millions on the street. BUT: Ending welfare and increasing workfare helped. The were wrong, again.

4 - ON REAGAN TAX CUTS: They said the Reagan tax cuts would bankrupt the economy and lead us into a recession or depression. BUT THE ECONOMY GREW. So... it looks like the Left was wrong, again.

5 - ON BUSH TAX CUTS: They said that the Bush tax cuts would bankrupt the economy and lead us into a recession or depression. They were wrong, again.

6 - ON NAFTA AND FREE TRADE: They said if we passed NAFTA it would cause us to lose millions and millions of jobs. Yet now, more people work in the USA than ever. They were wrong again.

7 - ON AFGHANISTAN: They said that Afghanistan would be a quagmire; they said that if the USSR couldn't win with 500,000 men that we could never win. They were wrong again.

8 - ON SADDAM: They said that we couldn't oust Saddam, and when a sandstorm hit two weeks into the campaign they screamed claimed that the strategy was bad. They were wrong again.

9 - ON ELECTIONS IN IRAQ: They said we should DELAY the constitutional ballot in Iraq, that it was too soon to have any balloting. We had it. It was passed with by huge majority in a huge turnout. They were wrong again.

10 - ON ARAFAT AND OSLO: They said that Arafat was a reformed terrorist we could trust to make peace. They were wrong.

11- ON SOVIET SPIES: They said that Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs were innocent. They were wrong - on both counts.

12 - ON ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: In 1971, they said that we were running out of food and fuel and that an "age of scarcity" was beginning becuase the earth simply could not support 4 billion people. Carter reiterated this defeatist feeling in 1978, when he told us to wear sweaters and turn down the thermostat. Now the earth supports 6 billion people - and more are living better and longer than ever before. They were wrong on this, too.

13 - ON "ECONOMIC JUSTICE": They said that socialism and redistribution of goods were the best ways to alleviate poverty and end economic injustice. China tried this for 30 years and accomplished NOTHING - no increase in living standards or in longevity. Ditto the USSR for more than 70 years, (that's more than twice as long as the Chinese). Same horrible economic results - not to mention that both socialist regoime MURDERED MILLIONS!

And since introducing free markets and capitalism in 1979, China has become an economic powerhouse and a food exporting nation. 350 million people have been lifted out of poverty in China BY CAPITALISM.Russia and the former satellites and Eastern Europe have ALL likewise improved since the Fall of the Wall and the introduction of the "capitalist piggishness." IOW: The Left was wrong again - BIGTIME.

14 - ON GUNS: They said that the best way to end violent crime is to control guns. But even the UN has admitted that there is no direct connection between restrictive gun laws, gun ownership prevalence and gun crime; (some states have strict gun laws and high gun crime, some states have no gun laws and no gun crime, and then there's evidence for every permutation in between). Now, in the USA, there is mounting evidence that common knowledge that the average citizen is armed actually LOWERS crime: As more and more states expand gun ownership and carry laws, crime actually goes down. So, they were wrong again.

15 - ON THE PATRIOT ACT: They said that the Patriot Act was a severe abridgement of our constitutional rights, but cannot name any instances of its misuse. And I doubt whether anybody knows anyone whose rights have been abridged by the Patriot Act. And, there have been many successful prosecutions which have resulted from the Patriot Act. They were wrong again.
That's my list so far. CAN YOU SEE A PATTERN EMERGING?! THE LEFT IS ALWAYS WRONG. In fact, they are not just wrong; they're almost always 180 DEGREES wrong!

And they're almost ALWAYS wrong with HYPERBOLIC HYSTERIA:
Reagan wasn't just bad; HE WAS A WARMONGER WHO WOULD START WW3!!!

The Bush tax cuts wouldn't just slow growth; THEY WOULD CAUSE A DEPRESSION!

The population time-bomb and pollution wouldn't just make life less pleasant and all goods more expensive; IT'S GONNA CAUSE MASS STARVATION AND THE COLLAPSE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION!!!

Alito isn't just a conservative jurist; ALITO'S APPONTMENT THREATENS THE LIBERTIES OF US ALL AND OF GENERATIONS TO COME!!! (Teddy Jo Kennedy actually said this!)

To the Left, Bush's authorization for NSA intercepts of al Qaeda's international communications in and out of the US (which he told Congress about and told a FISA judge about - while simultaneoulsy using FISA warrants thousands of times to surveill other communications) isn't just a wartime expansion of POTUS powers; ITS THE DANGEROUS POWER GRAB OF KING GEORGE!!!
The Left's constant hyperbole and the fact that they are almost always wrong makes me wonder: Why does ANYBODY listen to them AT ALL!?!?

Got any more examples of Leftist hyperbolic lies? PLEASE: put'em in the comments section. (Maybe it would be easier to list the FEW things the Left got right! ARE THERE ANY!? IS THERE ONE?!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    The left has been wrong on many economic issues in the past, because the free market is the only sustainable market. However, today we face a government deficit of $8.1 trillion. This is not an instance of Democrats being correct. Both parties worked together to create this deficit. The GOP should cut pork spending and wasteful contracts before cutting off assistance to the poor if it is serious about reducing the deficit.
