Monday, January 09, 2006


(Comtex Energy Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge) TEHRAN, Jan 9, 2006 (Xinhua via COMTEX):
Iran said it was ready to remove UN seals from some unclear sites on Monday and the decision has drawn criticism from the West. Iran's decision was "the wrong step in the wrong direction and is a cause of very serious concern," warned Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik, whose country currently holds the European Union (EU)'s presidency. Iran confirmed on Sunday it would implement the decision to resume nuclear fuel research on Monday and called on the EU to avoid the language of threats.
TICK... TICK... TICK... I hope we have all the targeting info we need and big enough inventory of missiles to match the target list...


  1. Last night I was in San Francisco listening to a conservative radio show I have never heard before (might have been called Outside the Beltway) and they were discussing the question;

    Are we being prepared by the Bush Administration for war with Iran?

    There were three people in on the discussion; the host and two guests. Although all claimed to be very "concerned" about the Iranian Presidents recent statements, they still maintained the idea that to go attack Iran would be wrong, or foolish, and that although something must be done about Iran, there is no need for military action.

    The fact that conservatives are discussing whether we are being "prepared for war" shows that the sickness of the Left is now bleeding over into the Right. The bizarre Pacifistic philosophy is frightening enough, but I fear the shadow of anti-Semitism lies within that panel question as well.

    How long will it be before "Are we being prepared for war?" becomes "Who is this being done for?"

    What is this idea that the Bush Administration would "prepare us for war" against a nation that was not a legitimate threat? What is the idea there? Why would he "prepare" us for war? Just because he likes to go to war? Because he can enrich his cronies? Because he wants a war for his legacy?

    What the hell kind of question is that anyway?

  2. It may sound like a weak question but in light of recent events in Iraq and war with Iran, with actual fighting fronts would be prolonged and causualties would be much higher. To further the problem, a majority of Iran will not welcome us with open arms.

    By all accounts Bush prepared us for the war in Iraq, which according to many polls of late, has eroded America's confidence in him.

    Iran posses a real threat, but the people will not follow if they are not prepared.

  3. I understand that a nation must be "prepared for war." But, I perceived a negativity in the way in which the phrase was used.

    Maybe, I am just being too sensitive.

    But, the idea that three conservatives thought that attacking Iran wasn't worth truly makes me ill.

  4. Perhaps if we had gone after Iran first?

  5. the "war" with iran will be short: a few days of us lobbing missiles. about 1000.

    then they will try to mount a global jihad: attacking israel, iraq, afghanistan. india. chechnya. turkey. jordan. egypt. they will shoot their load.

    but they ain't got much.

    we win.

    it's more dangerous if we wait too lonmg.

    the cost of inaction is higher than acting.

  6. I agree with you, Reliapundit. It shouldn't be as hard as everyone makes out. We can assume that Irans nuclear infrastructure could not be too redundant (meaning they aren't building multiple facilities doing the same thing). Therefore, even if many of their facilities are buried underground and are hard to reach, if we just take out some of their facilities, then we have broken their chain of production.

    We may have to repeat the bombing every few years, but at least, we have stopped their madness.

    After a few humiliating bombings, their people will overthrow them.

    We must act quickly. I can't believe this is even being debated.

  7. it will be larger han this operation:

    Operation Desert Thunder / Desert Viper

    In the fall and winter of 1997, Saddam Hussein engaged in a series of aggressive acts which threatened regional stability. He violated no-fly zones, threatened to shoot down U2 reconnaissance over-flights, and interfered with United Nations weapons inspection teams. The ensuing operation was named Operation DESERT THUNDER.

    Operation Desert Thunder was the effort to provide military presence and capability during negotiations between the UN and Iraq over weapons of mass destruction. In late 1997 and early 1998, Iraq demonstrated an unwillingness to cooperate with UN weapons inspectors. While diplomatic efforts continued in the hope of a peaceful solution, naval presence in the Gulf swelled as Operation Desert Thunder began.

    During the course of 1998 the nomenclature "Desert Thunder" was used with reference to the actual conduct of operations against Iraq, but with the commencement of Operation Desert Fox the "Desert Thunder" nomenclature was applied to the various deployments of military forces over the course of 1998. Some sources reference three phases to Desert Thunder [eg, Desert Thunder III], but unclassified details are presently lacking concerning the operational or temporal partitioning of this operation. Had the strike plan for the operation been executed, the name would have been Operation DESERT VIPER.
    Operation DESERT THUNDER I

    When Saddam Hussein blocked United Nations weapons inspections, tested the resolve of coalition commitment by violating the no-fly zone, and publicly threatened to shoot down U2 reconnaissance over-flights in the Fall of 1997, CENTCOM responded with a land, sea, and air strike force of more than 35,000 U.S. and coalition forces.

    In support of this powerful multi-service, multinational ground force, General Anthony C. Zinni, Commander-in-Chief, CENTCOM, established a permanent Coalition/ Joint Task Force (C/JTF), headquartered at Camp Doha, Kuwait, and commanded by Lieutenant General Tommy R. Franks, Commanding General, Third Army/ARCENT.

    In addition to the U.S. and coalition forces already in Kuwait, a brigade task force from 3d Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga., rapidly deployed to Kuwait. Departing from Hunter Army Airfield, the brigade task force deployed 4,000 personnel and 2,900 short tons of equipment on 120 aircraft. Within 15 hours of landing at Kuwait City International Airport, the unit had drawn prepositioned equipment and was in battle positions in the desert. On Feb. 28, Coalition/Joint Task Force-Kuwait was prepared to defend Kuwait with a ground force strength of more than 9,000 personnel.

    Argentina, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Hungary, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, United Kingdom, and Kuwait rounded out the C/JTF by providing liaison teams, aircraft support, special operations elements, Chemical/Biological, Base Defense Units, MASH units, and medical personnel.

    Added to forces on the ground was equipment for two more brigades (one Army and one Marine) afloat in the Arabian Gulf with the Maritime Preposition Force. These ships were poised to link up with soldiers and Marines who would draw their equipment and head to the front if required. Attack air provided by Navy, Air Force, and Coalition assets rounded out this formidable force.

    In February and March USTRANSCOM supported the deployment of troops to Southwest Asia in response to Saddam Hussein's defiance of UN inspections. In all USTRANSCOM flew more than 300 airlift missions and nearly 200 air refueling missions, carrying 10,000 passengers and 11,000 short tons of cargo in about three weeks.

    Within days of being notified, USS George Washington (CVN 73) arrived in the Gulf to join the Nimitz (CVN 68) battle group. USS Independence (CV 62) ensured the presence of two carrier battle groups, when she relieved Nimitz on station a few months later. These 5th Fleet forces, combined with allied and coalition ships such as the British carriers HMS Invincible (R 05) and HMS Illustrious (R 06), accounted for a fleet of 50 ships and submarines and 200 naval aircraft, which assembled in a matter of weeks to put some weight behind diplomatic efforts.

    While the 366th Air Expeditionary Wing from Mountain Home AFB were waiting to deploy to Bahrain because of the continuing problems with Iraq, the 347th Air Expeditionary Wing from Moody AFB GA was in Bahrain as the first true Air Expeditionary Wing in the Air Force. The 366th AEW replaced the 347th AEW on 01 April 1998, after the 347th spent over 120 days in Bahrain supporting Operation Southern Watch and Operation Desert Thunder.

    During this large scale contingency deployment of Allied Forces into the theater in the spring of 1998, the size of US Army Forces Central Command (ARCENT), Third US Army increased while at the same time relocating their headquarters from the Eastern Province to its present location in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. ARCENT-SA closed its installations in the Eastern Province and moved soldiers and civilian technicians as well as over a billion dollars of equipment safely without incident.

    Members of the 11th Signal Brigade deployed to Southwest Asia in support of Operation Desert Thunder, to provide long-haul communications services to the Joint Task Force Headquarters. Approximately 175 signal soldiers from the 86th and 504th Signal Battalions deployed from Fort Huachuca.

    Without firing a shot, the combined force flexed enough muscle to bring about Iraqi compliance. In early June 1998 the USS Independence (CV 62) Battle Group returns to Yokosuka, Japan after deploying on short notice to the Arabian Gulf and remaining there four months in support of Operation Southern Watch and Desert Thunder. Ships returning with Independence included USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) and USS John S. McCain (DDG 56).

    This was the largest multinational force assembled in Southwest Asia since the conclusion of the Gulf War. The demonstrated capability to quickly deploy combat forces from around the world successfully deterred Iraqi aggression and helped reinstate compliance with the UN Weapons Inspection Program. In November 1998, when the work of the UN inspectors was again interrupted, Third Army quickly returned to the Gulf to convince Saddam that the United States stood ready to enforce the terms of the cease-fire.

    As Saddam Hussein violated United Nations sanctions and threatened regional stability, the US began deploying to Kuwait and preparing for combat operations. Coalition/Joint Task Force-Kuwait, in place since DESERT THUNDER I, played a key role in the rapid deployment, reception, staging, onward movement, and integration of forces.

    Units deploying to Kuwait included advance parties from the 3d Infantry Division and the 32d Army Air and Missile Defense Command (AAMDC), personnel from the Theater Support Command (TSC), Air Support Operations Center (ASOC), and Marine Forces. In addition, the redeployment of the Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) in the Gulf was placed on hold and a second Marine Expeditionary Unit was ordered to the Gulf as reinforcement.

    While forces were deploying to the Arabian Gulf region, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan flew to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein. Following negotiations, Saddam Hussein agreed to allow uninterrupted resumption of United Nations weapons inspections.

    Iraq's continued intransigence and non-compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) resulted in the initiation of Operation DESERT THUNDER on 11 November 1998. At the direction of the National Command Authorities (NCA), CENTCOM began the deployment of forces and postured in-theater assets for possible strike operations. This highly visible deployment resulted in Iraq's eventual, although short-lived, compliance with the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM).

    In mid-November 1998, as the crisis defused, there were 2,300 personnel deployed to Kuwait in support of C/JTF-Kuwait.

    In December 1998 Operation Desert Fox was launched in response to Iraq’s repeated refusals to comply with UN Security Council resolutions.


    Beyond the Gulf War
    Operation Desert Fox
    Day One-December 16th
    Day Two-December 17th
    Day Three-December 18th
    Day Four-December 19th

    In response to Iraqi attempts to maintain their biological and chemical weapons capability from UN weapons inspectors, the United States and Britain launched a series of air strikes on Iraq.

    NOTE: Baghdad Time = (EST + 8) (i.e. Midnight Baghdad = 4:00PM EST)
    December 16th 1998

    4:00 EST Air raid sirens sound in Iraq
    4:51 EST Anti-aircraft fire in Baghdad
    4:56 EST "Thuds" reported of loud explosions in Baghdad
    5:11 EST White House announces "Substantial Military Action."
    5:21 EST British Prime Minister Tony Blair announces British involvement
    6:00 EST US President Clinton announces Operation Desert Fox
    8:00 EST US Defense Secretary Cohen briefs Congress

    The strikes on December 16th apparently were divided into two waves. The first wave included up to 200 cruise missiles launched from cruisers and other ships in the Gulf region.

    A second wave of F/A-18 Hornets and F-14 Super Tomcats attacked the headquarters of Iraqi Security Police, one of the eight presidential palaces of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi Intelligence Headquarters, and other targets around Iraq. Iraq has claimed that the attacks also included the house of Saddam Hussein's daughter, several industrial facilities currently being monitored by the UN via cameras, and residential neighborhoods. However, it is possible some of these areas were struck by falling anti-aircraft missiles, as was the case during the Gulf War. It was also later disclosed that Lt. Kendra Williams and First Lt. Cherry Lamoureux (USAF) became two of the first women pilots to take part in combat, following a decision several years ago to allow women to fly in combat aircraft.

    December 17th

    2:03 EST Cruise missiles land in Baghdad
    4:34 EST Air raid sirens in Baghdad
    7:26 EST Russia recalls their ambassador from the United States
    8:04 EST Cruise missiles arrive in Baghdad
    9:55 EST Air raid sirens again in Baghdad

    On December 17, additional attacks were launched. However, approximately 250 of the 350 cruise missiles on board ships have already been used in the first strike, so other assets were called upon, including Air-Launched Cruise Missiles from B-52s operating out of Diego Garcia.

    The ALCM contained a 2,000 lbs warhead, unlike the Tomahawk missiles fired from ships, which had 1,000 lbs warheads.

    100 ALCMs were fired on the second night.

    British aircraft also came into play this evening, launching air strikes against Iraq from bases in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. For the first time, the B-1 Lancer bomber was used in combat, operating out of bases in Bahrain. 200 sorties, both combat and support, were launched today. Targets included air fields, air defense systems and surface-to-air missile sites. The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson with its battle group of six surface ships should be on station within the next 24 hours. 12 RAF Tornadoes from No.12 Squadron took part in air strikes twice on this day. MPs from all the major British political parties expressed their support for the air strikes when Tony Blair addressed them, as the Tornadoes were returning from their first strike mission.

    December 18th

    8:08 EST Some of the heaviest attacks in Baghdad area take place.
    11:30 EST Saddam Hussein makes first televised statement since attacks
    12:00noon EST Cohen briefs press on current military status

    December 18th also saw the 22-nation Arab League condemn the US-Britain air strikes, while Israel supported the air strikes.

    December 19th

    2:08 EST Final attacks take place over Iraq.
    Sunrise (Iraq)--Ramadan starts in Iraq.

    December 19 was the start of the Moslem holy month of Ramadan, a fact that has been cited as a reason for starting the attacks on the day they did. Nonetheless, air strikes continued on this fourth day, with attacks being carried out on new targets and secondary strikes being launched on targets that were not completely destroyed in earlier waves of sorties. The USS Carl Vinson also arrived in the Gulf today, doubling the number of Navy aircraft in the region available for strikes. At the end of the day, the US announced they were ceasing operations in the region, after approximately 600 sorties and 400 cruise missile attacks. For the next few weeks, bomb damage assessment was conducted and the White House refused to rule out additional attacks.

    Post-strike operations continued as Iraqi aircraft rose to challenge the American and British air patrols in both the northern and southern no-fly zones, and continued until the beginning of NATO strikes in Kosovo, during March 1999.

    January 5 saw the first US air-to-air combat since 1993, with US fighters engaging Iraqi MiGs and Mirage fighters in the no-fly zone. The American F-14 Tomcat aircraft launched Phoenix air-to-air missiles, at $1,000,000 per, at the Iraqi plane, but failed to score a hit. For reasons unknown, however, the Iraqi aircraft crashed due either to pilot error or low fuel. Following the air strikes, Iraq announced they would no longer recognize the Northern and Southern no-fly zones.

    On February 1st 1999, Saddam Hussein announces a $14,000 reward for any Iraqi who shoots down an Allied aircraft.

    During the Desert Fox operations the RAF Tornadoes flew 32 medium-altitude sorties against pinpoint targets using 1,000lb Paveway II and 200lb Mk13/18 Paveway III laser-guided bombs. A total of 61 (55 Paveway II and Six Paveway IIIs) were actually dropped on 11 targets during the 28 completed sorties over Iraq on the three nights. The RAF targeted air defence sites, command and control centres, Talil Airfield and two Republican Guard buildings.

    Skirmishes persist over Iraq between Iraqi air defences and US/RAF aircraft retaliating when tracked by Iraqi radar or fired upon by the Iraqi air defences. The RAF presence in the Gulf and over Iraqi airspace looks to continue for the foreseeable future.
    Casualties (Iraqi Claims):

    "Thousands killed and thousands more wounded" (Iraqi Claim 21/12/98)
    25 Iraqis civilians killed (17/12/98)
    75 Iraqis wounded (17/12/98)
    62 Iraqi military killed (19/12/98)
    No Allied casualties

    US Forces in the Region

    24,100 military personnel
    29 Navy ships, including two carriers
    240+ military aircraft

    UK Forces

    2 Navy ships (1 frigate and 1 supply ship)
    18 Tornados in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia


    I estimate that the operation against Iran will be TWICE as big. And MORE effective. Missiles are mor accurate and mopre powerful.

    we don't have to take out ALL the nuke associated structures.

    we need to take out their miliotary airports and jets. and some of their navy.

    it will take a few days. at most.

    taking out north lorea is MUCH ahrder: they have more traditional artilery - abotu 15000 units RIGHT ALONG THE DEMILATARIZED ZONE. They must all be taken out at the same time to prevent very deadly artillery barrage on seoul.

    repeat: neutralizing iran's nuke program will be EASY.

    the chief if the IDF was recently asked "WHAT WOULD IT TAKE TO NEUTRALIZE IRAN'S NUKES?

    his reply:

    "it wopuld take about 2000 kilometers." period.

  8. namecallers who don't deal with the fact get deleted. dave.

    i provided a factual basis (with links)for claiming that 1000 missiles should be adequate to neutralize iran's nuke prgram (or at least set it way way back).

    and i provided a choice quote.

    now go away.

  9. the idf neutralized osirak in '83. publicly everyone howled; privately they were happy. if not... ECSTATIC!

    ditto today - no matter who does it.

    IOW: the storm which would follow (from third parties) is unimportant. and it would last a few weeks. the iranians and other islamofascists would TRY to retaliate. but we will whack them as they do. decisively.

    the risk of NOT acting (or acting too late)is bigger.

    we can preemptiovely destroy iran's nuke prgoram because it is in OUR national security.

    neither china or russia or the eu or the un has a veto over what we think is in our national security interest - or ANY aspect of OUR foreign policy.

    that is NOT unless you are one of "today's" democrats!

    i am SURE that if gore was elected in 2000 that the taliban would still be in power - as would saddam. but the leftist euroweenies and their sycophants in the democrat party would be happier.

  10. you care too much what people will say publicly after we do what we must do.

    iran will pick up ERO allioes as a result.

    BTW: this will come after a UNSCR sanction vote and an ultimatum - for PR purposes.

    ALSO: you named called me (and this nlog) AGAIN - so i deleted your latest comment too. tho' i have replied to the on-topic parts.

    if you persit in name-calling i wil persit in editing you out. which is my perogative.

  11. dave. dave. dave.

    please. just. comment. on the facts.

  12. Anonymous8:07 AM

    open the pod bay door hal.

    sorry dave.
    I cant do that.

  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! love it!
