Saturday, January 28, 2006



Hamas suggests it could look for alternative sources of funding
Hamas rejected international calls to disarm or put vital aid for the Palestinian Authority at risk on Saturday, suggesting that it could look for alternative sources of funding in the Arab world and beyond.
That means IRAN. BTW: Iran is the ONLY ally that Hamas and Assad have (besides al Qaeda). If we change the Iranian regime will liberate the Iranians and also liberate the Syrians and the Palistanis.

Mofaz: If Hamas continues terror, targeted killings will persist
Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Saturday that if Hamas continues involvement in terrorist activities, Israel will continue a policy of targeted assassinations against Hamas officials.
This will INCLUDE assassinating popularly elected leaders of the Palistani government. Hamas will try to do the same against Israel (as they have in the past).

Hamas official: Group will make Islamic law a source for legislation
A senior Hamas official told Canada's Globe and Mail on Friday that the new government the group will form will make sharia, or Islamic law, a source of law in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. He said the government will modify the existing Palestinian education system to and institute a more Islamic curriculum, and will separate boys and girls.
I gotta believe that a few Palistanis might not be too happy about SHARIA - like Hanan Ashrawi. Odds are those who oppose it will flee in fear, opening the way for sharia to be installed without much if any opposition. Thus, Hamas will TALIBANIZE the Palistanis - and make their lives even worse!

Meshal: Hamas ready to form Palestinian army
DAMASCUS - Hamas is ready to merge armed factions including its military wing to form an army to defend the Palestinian people, the group's political leader Khaled Meshal said on Saturday.
BIG DEAL: They will just be jihadoterrorists who OCCASSIONALLY wear uniforms. I mean, it's not as if the previous Palistani army or police force did ANYTHING to quell terror, DID THEY!?!?

: What will the world do when Hamas - as part of instituting sharia- passes legislation banning the practice of Christianity from their territory - including banning it from Bethlehem? WILL HANAN ASHRAWI WEAR A BURQA?


  1. spielberg has gotten himself lost.

    and the world will hardly snore.
    the noise will keep everyone up.
