Tuesday, January 24, 2006


What is it about famous Left-wing anti-Americans that makes them love to dress up in costumes so much!? You know: Fidel in his fatigues; Che with his beret with that cute little star; Michael Moore with his ubiguitous baseball cap; Arafat in his checkered towel-headgear-thingy; Kim Jong Il in his ridiculous jump-suit; Dr. Zawahiri and Binladen with their turbans and ever-present AK47s (what, does they think they're gonna ward of a Predator?!); and now, Galloway in red tights.

I think they feel that they're wearing a uniform of sorts - one for "revolutionaries." Anti-American anti-bourgoise uniforms. I think it's a symptom of their megalomania. (Somebody check that theory out with Dr. Sanity.) You know what!? To me, they all just look like such freakin' clowns. If they had any real friends, one of them might tell 'em.

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