Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Washington has warned India a landmark deal giving it US nuclear technology may fall through if Delhi does not back a UN motion against Iran. The deal could "die in Congress" if India does not vote against Iran at a meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog, US Ambassador David Mulford said.
Bush and Condi are trying to get everything ready for the UNSC showdown. Which means telling eveyoine what's at stake. India wants our help with nculear technology and they want a permanent sat on the UNSC. If the donl;t help us out with IUran they will get NEITHER.

ALSO: Bush and Condi want everyone to know that they are doing everything they can to get a tough USNCR passed. That way - if we cannot get a tough resolution passed, (and we resort to a preemptive military strike) fewer people can whine about it.

BESIDES: It might actually be a good thing if the UNSC fails to pass a tough UNSCR on Iran. WHY?! Because it may mean that we will preemptively strike Iran sooner rather than later. And THAT might be the best and safest thing, after all.

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