Tuesday, January 31, 2006


The Senate Minority leader gave a "prebuttal" to the SOTU today. He said stuff like: "... it is time for President Bush to end to this pattern of deceit."

This comes on the heels of recent Binalden audiotape and a new Zawahiri tape. Like Reid they attack bush and taunt him. YUP: All three deride Bush. Zawahiri's words might've been written by Reid or Dean or Pelosi or Teddy Jo Kennedy or Genghis Kerry:
"Bush, you are not only defeated and a liar but, with God's help and might, a failure. You are a curse on your own nation and you have brought and will bring them only catastrophes and tragedies," he said, calling him a "butcher".
According to the WASHPOST:
Zawahiri spoke in an openly hostile and aggressive way. He rebuked White House officials for refusing to negotiate over the truce offer and warned Americans and Britons to expect blood and misery if their forces remain in Iraq.
YUP: the DEMOCRAT PARTY TALKING POINTS! The only question is who gave them to him: KENNEDY OR ROVE!? Or Cindy Sheehan - who (along with fellow anti-Semite and Marxist tyrant Hugo Chavez) prebuttaled in Venezuela:
"The war in Iraq will end, our troops will come home, Bush will be impeached and he will be brought to justice," said Sheehan, who held a vigil outside Bush's Texas ranch.
OKAY: now we can relax: ALL the major enemies of the liberty, justice and the American Way have now prebuttaled. Which makes them what... prebuttheads if you ask me.

HEY: If Bush is pissing off the Left here and abroad, and also pissing off al Qaeda, then he must be doing EVERYTHING RIGHT!


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    If all these love-love-love peace-peace-peace people really mean what they say that diplomacy is the answer to the world's problems...that we can just talk nicely and overcome all our problems...then why are they so mean to President Bush? Why don't they just talk-talk-talk him into doing what they want?

    see ya
    cathy :)

  2. brilliantly put cathy! brilliant!
