Tuesday, January 17, 2006


AND I PREDICT that the ACLU will sue to get the list, of those whose calls were intercepted, released.
Is the ACLU in contact with terrorists overseas? Well, of course they are! Now it seems they are paranoid of getting caught!
Saying that the Bush administration’s illegal spying on Americans must end, the American Civil Liberties Union today filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit against the National Security Agency seeking to stop a secret electronic surveillance program that has been in place since shortly after September 11, 2001. ... The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a group of prominent journalists, scholars, attorneys, and national nonprofit organizations (including the ACLU) who frequently communicate by phone and e-mail with people in the Middle East.
As I further wrote on 12/19/05:
The ACLU and the Left will do this IN FULL KNOWLEDGE that these efforts aid the enemy. They don't care: THEY HATE BUSH MORE THAN THEY FEAR THE ENEMY, OR LOVE AMERICA. That's why those on the Left are traitorous scum.

They are essentially "9/10" people who would rather we prosecuted jihadoterrorists in an international tribunal like those in The Hague (which DOESN'T have the death penalty), than we retailiated militarily AND transformed the Arab and Muslim world by transforming their backward tyrannical regimes into vibrant democracies.
Can anyone imagine anybody suing FDR if someone had leaked his secret correspondence with Churchill (begun BEFORE Churchill was PM; while Churchill was merely "First Lord of the Admiralty" and a subordinate to "PM Chamberlain, the Appeaser"!), or if they'd found out about FDR's deliberate and flagrant violations of THE NEUTRALITY ACT - AN ACT OF CONGRESS!?!?? PBS:
When France fell to the Nazis in May 1940, Britain stood alone. Roosevelt began a remarkable and voluminous secret correspondence with Britain's prime minister, Winston Churchill. Although Churchill desperately needed American troops, he asked only for arms and ammunition. Roosevelt responded, using his presidential powers to circumvent the Neutrality Act.
FDR is rightly ADMIRED for these acts, not disparaged and he certainly wasn't sued by the ACLU. WHY?!

People on the Left were more patriotic then - mostly because we were allied to the USSR, and were in a position to save them. [Unfortunately, because of SPIES AND TRAITORS, (like ALGER HISS, who ran the Yalta Conference on behalf of the US State Department, but - according to the VENONA PAPERS - was really working for Stalin!) the USSR often got the best parts of most bargains.]

Now, the nations which the post modern Left admires most (France, Germany, Russia, and China) are mostly AGAINST the USA and in favor of appeasing the islamofascists and dumping Israel. So, now the American Left opposes their own country tooth and nail. And if that means suing the US government and making our national security weaker (by exposing secrets): so be it; they just don't care. They are fundamentally TRAITORS because they aid and abet our enemies. I wish we would treat them as traitors. I think Bush is too kind and gentle with them.

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