Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Polls done between 2003 and 2005 constistently show that between 40%-50% of Americans think that LEGAL limitations on abortion is a good thing. In addition, another 20-25% think they should be illegal. That means 60-65-% are opposed to abortion on demand.

For example: CBS - 12/05:
38% favor unlimited abortion on demand
39% favor some limitations on abortions
20% favor no abortion
Several polls on this webpage show a majority are pro-life. Others show a 44-44% split.

If these polls are accurate - (and the number of them which show similar results makes me think they are), then it is NOTHING BUT PURE DEMAGOGUERY WHEN PRO-CHOICE ADVOCATES REFER TO PRO-LIFE JUDICIAL NOMINEES AS "OUT OF THE MAINSTREAM." This is simply another example of the Left's penchant for "THE BIG LIE."

If a person who is pro-life is out of the mainstream, then 45% of America is out of the mainstream - and that is a contradiction in terms. America is still pretty evenly on abortion rights - which is why Bush is right to follow a policy which seeks to strengthen the "culture of life" and not proceeding legislatively - yet, not until a clear majority of Americans agree that abortions should be very limited.

Those who portray Alito as out of the mainstream on this issue are distorting the facts.

1 comment:

  1. If you add 50% and 25%, you come up with 75% are against abortion! When you through in the word 'on-demand,' you may be surprised at how many pro-abortion people will even be against it. :)
