Sunday, January 22, 2006


ITEM #1 - ARABIC NEWS: Annan announces Syria's cooperation with probe into Hariri murder -
On the day the new head of the UN commission of inquiry into the Hariri assassination, Serge Brammertz, arrived in Beirut, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan announced that Syria was willing to cooperate fully with the probe into the Hariri assassination. Annan said Syrian Foreign Minister Faruq al-Sharaa phoned him on Wednesday, and guaranteed Syria's full cooperation with Brammertz.
Assad sees ‘global plot’ over Lebanon - 22 January 2006 -
DAMASCUS — President Bashar Al Assad returned to the offensive yesterday over Syria’s ties with Lebanon, saying the deterioration in relations between Beirut and Syria was due to a “global plot” against the Arab world.
President Bashar Assad, invoking Syria's national sovereignty, indicated yesterday he would not submit to an interview request from the UN investigation into Rafiq Hariri's assassination. ... The UN investigation has said Syria has not been sufficiently forthcoming and the Security Council demanded full cooperation." ...

The Syrian leader did not specifically address the request by the UN investigation for an interview with him and his foreign minister about threats Assad allegedly made against Hariri months before the Feb 14 assassination. ... Assad has rejected an earlier request by the seven-month-old investigation to interview him and said yesterday that the issue of national sovereignty supersedes any legal and political considerations. ... In November, Assad criticised the investigation as politicised by the United States and its allies with the aim of framing Syria to punish it for its opposition to the Iraq war, support for Palestinian militants and Lebanese guerrillas.
For Annan to say Syria is fully cooperating (to belive that they would!) means he is either an idiot a liar or a mole. OR: ALL OF THE ABOVE! (What, does he think Assad "is a man he can do business with"?! That's what he thought of Saddam!)


  1. Yes, and I have the same question about El-Baradei.

  2. Anonymous4:22 AM

    ALL THREE - its a hatrick!

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Proving once again...Anan is a whore for terrorists.

    See ya
    cathy :)

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    kofi was correct -- he was able to do a great deal of "business" with saddam
