Wednesday, December 21, 2005

STUDY: the "Academy" is overwhelmingly Leftist

"This paper provides copious results from a 2003 survey of academics. We analyze the responses of 1208 academics from six scholarly associations (in anthropology, economics, history, legal and political philosophy, political science, and sociology) with regard to their views on 18 policy issues. The issues include economic regulations, personal-choice restrictions, and military action abroad. We find that the academics overwhelmingly vote Democratic and that the Democratic dominance has increased significantly since 1970. A multivariate analysis shows strongly that Republican scholars are more likely to land outside of academia. On the 18 policy questions, the Democratic-voter responses have much less variation than do the Republicans. The left has a narrow tent."
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Leftists hire Leftists. This is human nature and why all institutions are subject to being "taken over" by any self-selecting group. The NYTIMES is now run by "Gay collectivistas." The department of State has long been run by Lefties, Arabists and status quoists. The CIA the same, with some Soviet symp holdovers. The Dem leadership by McGovernites.

State and the CIA have the added layer of self-selection because their alumni fill the Academy/foreign service schools. So the "old boy" network indoctrinates the next generation.

It is this UNELECTED ELITE - operating a shadow government, and exploiting their contacts in the Left-wing dominated MSM (with illegal leaks) which is underming Bush.


  1. Over the past five years, we have heard Republicans make excuse after excuse for this president, as he has violated, again and again, the very ideals he has sworn to preserve. Too many truly good people have chosen the path of least resistance, and have contented themselves with remaining silent as this Admistration has lied to the citizenry and waged war on all who would criticize or take a stand against them. The time for standing by is over, for as it has long been said, evil also flourishes when good men stand by and do nothing.

    The president's behavior, especially recently, has demonstrated that he is not fit for office. He has single-handedly ruined our economy, plunged the country into unconscionable debt, and is waging war on the poor and middle class with every policy he endorses. His handling of the war in Iraq has, from the beginning, been convoluted and ill-conceived, and the death toll among our own soldiers and the innocent people of Iraq is a testament to his ineptitude.

    There is no need for impeachment hearings, for witnesses to be called, for triers of fact to be summoned. George W. Bush has broken the laws of our country, and has openly admitted doing so. It is time for him to step down from his post.

  2. Anonymous3:41 PM

    lol @ fettid alfredo (rotten cheese)

    I see lots of accusations and no substantiation. If what you contend is true, you should have no trouble citing case after case in support of your arguments.

    You claim our economy is ruined (which you laughably blame entirely on Bush), yet report after report shows the economy surging along with extended growth, in contrast to your unsupported allegations. In fact all I see is ad hominem attacks which only goes to prove that you lack coherent argument.

    Your final paragraph is the most revealing. There is no need for hearings, witnesses, or fact. Typical of you leftist hypocrites you whine that the President bypasses the law and then recommend that the law be bypassed where the President is concerned, and this whine is based not on factual or reasoned argument but your feelings.

    I advise you to get some clinical help with your Bush Derangement Syndrome while you still might benefit :)

  3. alfredo:


  4. Fettucine's post is a great example of the left wing's wackiness. First of all, it has absolutely nothing at all to do with the blog post to which he attached it. The post he was supposedly commenting on has to do with the fact that academic faculties are made up primarily of leftists. That's a point that Fettucine doesn't even address.

    He then proceeds with a series of unsubstantiated accusations:

    -- he says the President "has violated, again and again, the very ideals he has sworn to preserve." Not a single example is offered. This is really just empty verbiage. By the way, the President does not swear an oath to "preserve ideals." He swears an oath to "faithfully execute the office of President of the United States" and to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

    -- he says "this Admistration has lied to the citizenry and waged war on all who would criticize or take a stand against them." What lie? When has this Administration EVER lied to the citizenry? Let's have some documentation, please. And far from "waging war" on its critics, the Administration has hardly tried to defend itself.

    -- he says that the President "has single-handedly ruined our economy, plunged the country into unconscionable debt, and is waging war on the poor and middle class with every policy he endorses." That's some wacky stuff! We have the strongest economy in the industrialized world! Our debt is abot average for the past 50 years, and far less than the debt we incurred in WW2. And the middle class and the poor have benefited from economic expansion.

    -- he says "His handling of the war in Iraq has, from the beginning, been convoluted and ill-conceived, and the death toll among our own soldiers and the innocent people of Iraq is a testament to his ineptitude." Well, the President is not and should not be responsible for the minute-by-minute or day-to-day conduct of military operations. But Saddam had an army of almost 500,000; we opposed him with an army of some 250,000. We defeated his army in less than a month, overrunning more territory more quickly than any invading army ever has in history, and we incurred fewer than 150 combat deaths in doing so. Ineptitude? Hardly.

    Fettucine's comment shows you just how out of touch with reality the left wing really is.

    But his leftwing professors would probably love his work, and give him a grade of "A plus"!!!!

  5. gandalin has it EXACTLY right: leftists are loony.
