Tuesday, December 06, 2005


A scheme to cut greenhouse gas emissions from pig manure has become Mexico's first project to win approval under the Kyoto Protocol rules on investing in poor countries, the project's developer said on Tuesday. The scheme, which covers 23 farms, has gained United Nations registration under Kyoto's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), said Ireland-based AgCert International in a statement. "We are delighted to be the first company to have a CDM project registered in Mexico and we will now be moving toward certification as soon as possible," said AgCert's chief executive officer Bill Haskell.
If you ask me, this whole thing misses the point, because Kyoto and "man-made global warming" ain't pig-shit; it's bullshit.

1 comment:

  1. Until I read this, I had no idea that the freakin' Kyoto Protocol was just another welfare program.

    I thought it was a set of protocol which nations were supposed to live up to. Now, I find that it is a way to give money to countries like Mexico.
