Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Lebanon's prime minister condemned on Wednesday a rocket barrage fired a day earlier into northern Israel, while a U.N. envoy urged the Lebanese government to assert its control over the tense border region to prevent future attacks on the Jewish state. The comments by Prime Minister Fuad Saniora were a rare strong criticism of such rocket fire from Lebanese territory into Israel.
Israel accused a militant pro-Syrian Palestinian group of firing the rockets and retaliated with airstrikes early Wednesday against the group's base outside Beirut, Israel's deepest strike into Lebanon in 18 months. Two guerrillas were wounded. Maj. Gen. Udi Adam, head of the Israeli army's northern command, warned Israel would retaliate if there were any more rocket fire from Lebanon.

"The main message that we passed, and we are trying to give, is that the Lebanese government must take responsibility for what happens in its territory," Adam told The Associated Press. "If Kiryat Shmona residents don't sleep quietly, then the residents of Beirut won't sleep quietly."
I WONDER: Are these new and welcome official Lebanese condemnations of the attacks by Hizb'Allah against Israel SINCERE, or are they phony - like the ones repeatedly issued by Arafat and Abbas? Time will tell. A SHORT TIME. Stay tuned...

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