Saturday, December 31, 2005


Six people have been killed and more than 40 hurt by a bomb blast in a market in Indonesia's Central Sulawesi province, police say. Witnesses in the town of Palu reported seeing bodies lying on the ground after hearing a deafening blast. The province's Christians have been repeatedly targeted in recent attacks blamed on Muslim militants. ... The explosion took place in the busy early morning hours at a stall selling pork meat in a Christian part of the town. Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation but the population in many parts of Central Sulawesi province is split equally between Muslims and Christians. ...

Security was tightened in the province recently amid fears of fresh violence between the two communities. Three Christian schoolgirls were beheaded by masked assailants in Poso district in October.
Twenty people were killed in May this year when two bombs exploded in the largely Christian town of Tentena. Almost 1,000 people died when inter-religious clashes flared in Central Sulawesi province in 2000 and 2001.
Fighting between Muslims and Christians in Central Sulawesi from 1998-2001 killed 2,000 people, mainly around the town of Poso.

Why are islamothugs murdering Christians in Indonesia? I BLAME: King George W. BusHitlerburton; the Iraq War (not the Afghan War, that was a good war!); Israel/Jews/Sharon/Wolfowitz/Perle/Libby/the Likud/the neocons; Rove; Tom DeLay, and the NSA. And global warming and the tax cuts for the rich. Heh.

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