Saturday, December 10, 2005


Despite the lack of MSM reporting, the TRUTH gets out: the intifada continues. C.A.G.E. (VIA TEL CHAI NATION):
Although the French riots have been officially proclaimed over, forty to sixty vehicles are still being burnt by rioting Muslims each night, a senior member of the Minstry of Internal Affairs, Stéphane Fratacci, said Thursday. [...] According to Mr. Frattaci, 79 vehicles were torched on December, 3, 46 — on the 4th, 50 — on the 5th, and 56 more were set ablaze on the night of December, 6. He stressed that the assembled data clearly justifies the continuation of the State of Emergency.
The intifada CANNOT be considered over until the French declare an end to the state of emergency.

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