Friday, December 09, 2005

CHINESE UNREST: a democratic revolution is brewing...

NYTIMES:"Residents of a fishing village near Hong Kong said that as many as 20 people had been killed by paramilitary police in an unusually violent clash that marked an escalation in the widespread social protests that have roiled the Chinese countryside."

These "countryside" rebellions are not unlike the Tiennamen Square rebellion: They demonstrate that the human spirit eternally and universally yearns to be be free, and struggles to achieve democratically formed governments which enact policies only with the consent of the governed - as opposed to governments run by fiat and elitists who THINK THEY know better than the people themselves what's in the people's best interest.

China has made truly great and wonderful strides by venturing from centrally controlled markets of socialism to free-markets. But, until they extend these freedoms from the economic sphere into the political sphere they will have continued unrest and less growth. After all, growth comes from creativity, and only with real social and political freedom can creativity flourish. In other words, propserity is a by-product of liberty. To become a free and properous and stable nation, China must increase the liberty its people enjoy.

Elites fight the propsect of less power for themselves because they have disdain for the people; they feel that without a strong government predetermining outcomes for everyone, that most people will fail. Politicians who are pro-democracy and liberty, and want inidivduals empowered and government's powers reduced have more faith in people. In our own country, the GOP reperesents people who have faith in individuals and are skeptical about government; the GOP ays, "You know best what's right for you." The Democrat Party is the party of "government knows best." That's why the Democrat have an affinity for the socialist parties of other nations.


  1. spartan; my blog ain;t yopur bulletin board. so eff off.

    also: your commentys on this post are typoical of PHONY democrats (small "d") who prize stability over a REAL democratic revolution.

    transfoirming a tyrannical totalitarian state into a democratic one IS ALWYS MESSY.

    REAL democrats (small "d") think EVERYOINE deserves liberty and democracy and are willing to pout up with some chaos and to dop what they can to HELP THE democrats, not the tyrnats.

    once again, spartan, you reveal that the Left really has no problem with tyranny.

    now please: stay away!

    your refusla to stay away defines your trollness. BYE-BYE.

    you are BANISHED!

    PLEASE EVERYONE: don't feed the troll.

    Pasto, that incluides you.

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM


    I thought I was speaking to an adult not a 5 yearold child!!!

    Agian I am not A democrat I am a registered republican. I am not left win I am centrist, I also debate on left wing sites that do nothing but bash the president. I find them equally annoying as some one like your self that wants nothing but to nuke torture and conquer.

    Im trying to offer logic but apperenty you don't want it.
