Monday, December 05, 2005

BOLIVIA SET TO ELECT DRUG-DEALING COMMIE - who will ruin the country

Morales leads the polls in Bolivia with one third of the electorate's favor. Morales, a leader of the coca-leaf pickers, is a radical and a collectivist in the ideological family of Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro -- attributes to which he adds a dangerous ethnic tinge that borders on racism. His triumph will add all kinds of problems and apprehension to Bolivia's already catastrophic society.
SUN-SENTINEL (hat tip Kausfiles):
Morales promises that if elected Dec. 4, he will decriminalize all coca farming. That would mean an end to a decade-old crop eradication program that has led to clashes between farmers and soldiers in which dozens have died. He would also be Bolivia's first Indian president, and his leftist politics -- he's a close friend of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez -- would move yet another Latin American government leftward, following the paths of Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. A Morales victory may worry Washington, as well as many governments in Europe, the chief market for Bolivian cocaine. But the cocaleros, as coca farmers are known, are delighted at the prospect.
Latin America is shifting toward the Left because racist, xenophobic demogoguery of Fidel and Chavez and Morales works well down there. Blaming the GRINGO and yelling "YANKEE GO HOME!" is a cheap and easy and assured way to gain a mass following.

Too bad for the people: Leftism has ALWAYS failed to deliver the goods. The people down there need to look at the REAL world: EVERY nation which has opened up to trade and free markets and capitalism has improved its GDP and living standards. EVERY ONE: China; India; South Korea; all the USSR countries and their satellites in eastern Europe, etc. etc. etc. and so on and so on and so forth. The poorest countries in the world - and the ones with the worst growth records - are ALL the ones with the most socialism. This is true for ALL continents and all cultures and all peoples. For example, Zimbabwe went from richest to poorest in two decades.

SO: WAKE UP MUCHACHOS! Before it is too mas tarde, amigos! They have two more weeks to wake up. I fear they won't. In fact, I betchya that the Iraqis will elect a more pro-Western government than the Bolivians!

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