Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Al Arian was charged with aiding Islamic Jihad - the very same jihadoterrorist group which attacked Netanya in Israel THIS WEEK - killing 5 people. Well, the chief U.S. fundraiser for I-J - Al Arian - got off! "REUTERS":
A federal jury on Tuesday found a former Florida professor not guilty of funding a banned Islamist group in a verdict likely to be seen as a stiff blow to the U.S. government in its attempts to prosecute terror suspects. The jury in Tampa, Florida, took 13 days to deliver its verdict against Sami al-Arian, who along with three co-defendants was accused of raising money for Palestinian group Islamic Jihad.
I guess it's only a matter of days before Al Arian and OJ announce they will be forming a group to find Binladen and bring him to justice. And make sure he is tried in Tampa!

Seriously: This proves that jihadoterrorism cannot be fought in the courts or with cops. This is war - not a damn crime wave. We didn't INDICT Hitler; we WHACKED NAZI GERMANY TO SMITHEREENS. It's time to do the same to the Axis of Evil - Syria, Iran, and North Korea.


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Hitler Wasn't tried in Court because he commited suicide, otherwise he'd have joined the rest of his scum at Nuremburg, where Nazi War Crimminals were TRIED in a COURT.

    This is a war, yes, and therefore we must be carefull we don't become what we are fighting. Things like torture are not, and should absolutly not be an option, especially in the war on terror, yet it astounds me we have people advocating it.

    but that is not the point, the point is, even you say, this war is about spreading Freedom and Democracy, well, what is democracy without Trial? wasn't that one of the framers key points is that all people have the right to be tried for their crimes? executing criminals on the spot isn't the american way, nor should it ever be.

    This is not like the wars of yesteryear, This is a war in which we need to win the hearts and Minds of the people in the reigon we are fighting in, and we cannot do that by degrading ourselves to the level of our Enemy, the War on Terror is not a war agianst PEOPLE, it is a war agianst a BELIEF, Somthing I think many politicians and American citizens have forgotten.

  2. You make sense, Spartan. The biggest problem is that the judge is letting Saddam get out of control. I think Reliapundit's idea of putting Saddam in a glass booth is a good one. He needs to be contained, or else he will turn his trial into a circus even worse than the one Milosevic created.

  3. spaty you are sooooooos sos sos sos sosooooooooo dense.


    lookit: we never indicted hitler, we declared war on him.

    we need to treat our enemies as enemies not crooks.

    AFTER the war is over many might be tried.

    but that will be tougher now in this war because we will not likely get any formal surrender as we did in ww2.

    you wrote:

    "we must be carefull we don't become what we are fighting. "

    this is lefties HOGWASH.

    we need to do WHATEVER it takes to win.

    drop a nuke IF NECESSARY. that's how we won ww2.

    nothing shoulsd come off the table with THIS enemy - NOT EVEN TORTURE.

    this enemy IS NOT a signatory to the Geneva Treaties. they are entitled to NOTHING but the full force of our military.

    and if in custody, they should FEAR torture.

    we shouldn't fight with one hand teid behind our backs.

    losing with honor is NOT an option.

    you wrote:

    "executing criminals on the spot isn't the american way, nor should it ever be. "

    this happened TGHOSUANDS of times in ww2 - by the greatest generation. many when they took over th camps. and summarily executed the camp officiers.

    by the hundreds.

    you wrote:

    "this is a war in which we need to win the hearts and Minds of the people in the reigon we are fighting in, and we cannot do that by degrading ourselves to the level of our Enemy,"

    we'll win their minds by KILLING the enemy. the folks in the middle will not baord a sinking ship, or ride a weak horse.

    BTW: by killing bad-sunnis we win kurds and shias. the more bad-sunnis we kill the more kurds and shias we win.

    when we annihilate the enemy their creed is discredited. we win. the war - and ther hearts and minds of all those liberated from the tyranny of the jihadoterrorists.

    we've done this before.

    japan. germany. etc.

    we will; do it now.

    and we will do it better/faster with less usa casualties if we are RUTHLESS!

    remeber what patton said:

    we don't win wars by dying for our country; we win by making the other bastard die for his!"

    in this case we need to make all the jihaodterrorists die for their EVIL creed.

    thanks for reading and commenting and putting up with my blunt remarks to you.
