Thursday, December 08, 2005


The next time some Greenie, Luddite-like anti-industry, anti-free trade enviromental activist tells you that our rapaciously greedy over-consumption and gluttonous injestion of chemicles and our filthy industrial habits are wrecking the environment and threatening life on earth... well: Tell them to SHUT UP AND GET LOST! And here's why...

According to the CDC, the average life-span for an American is now 77.6 years. (More HERE and HERE and HERE.) This is yet another increase, bringin us once again to an ANOTHER ALLTIME HIGH. (IN FACT: Life-spans have been steadily improving for ALL industrial/capitalist nations/economies since the Industrial revolution began in the 19th century. THAT'S NO COINCIDENCE!)

Among the conclusions were record-high life expectancies in several categories (lottsa other interesting stats here, too): White males - 75.4 years; Black males - 69.2 years; White females - 80.5 years; Black females - 76.1 years.

Mary Salmon, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina, said research also indicates that there is an increase in active life expectancy. "It's not that we're having a lot of very old, sick people," she said. The AP/Sun reports that the United States still has lower life expectancy rates than many other countries, according to statistics from the World Health Organization (AP/Las Vegas Sun, 2/28).

Other cool stats HERE.

The surest way to end poverty, illness and premature death in the Third World is to build morer and more factories and power plants there and get them to make stuff and consume stuff. That's how we did it; we shouldn't expect them to - or demand that they - re-invent the wheel.

[ASIDE: EUrota compiled a fantastic list of previous dire Greenie predictions about our environmental doom - ALL OF WHICH HAVE PROVED WRONG.]

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