Saturday, December 03, 2005


US civil rights groups says it is taking the CIA to court to stop the transportation of terror suspects to countries outside US legal authority. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says the intelligence agency has broken both US and international law. It is acting for a man allegedly flown to a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan.
I think that the recent leaks had EVERYTHING to do with this case - JUST LIKE ABU GHRAIB which was leaked to the press by the defendants' lawyers after their blackmail of the Pentagon failed to get the Pentagon to drop charges. It was only AFTER the Pentagon told the defendants' lawyers they were going to prosecute, that the defendants lawyers gave the infamous personal photos of the sadistic degradation (which was NOT interrogational, but purely for the sick pleasure of the perps) to the MSM in order to slime the US military and the USA, and in an unpatriotic attempt to get their clients off - and help the enemy. A twofer for Leftists.

This is probably what happended the last few weeks: the plaintiff hired the ACLU and together they and their cohorts at the CIA threatened leaks, and when these threats failed to get them the settlement they wanted, they leaked.

Now - courtesy of the ACLU - we'll have a court case which will hurt us and help the enemy. MORE HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    If they can't be prosecuted for treason, why can't these vermin, at least, be fired.

    Why do the CIA and the State Dept beaureaucrats have to be tolerated, they are enemies of our country. Why do taxpayers have to pay for them. It's suicidal.
